20. Saving Rebekah and Elena

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I wake up in the middle of the night to hear whispering which confuses me since i don't sense anyone in the room, like Josh isn't even in the room, “she is nice and very respectful, much like Elijah. She’s loyal beyond belief and was actually going to give me a chance even after all i have done. Niklaus trust her more then i think he has ever trusted anyone before, and that helped me trust her.”

I open my eyes and look around the room not sure where the familiar voice is coming from, “hello?” i say scanning the room, “is there someone there?” i question.

“She can hear us?” the voice says and i find the source of it and i almost fall out of my bed.

“Mikael, how are you here and how can i hear you?” i ask looking at him that’s when i notice Henrik next to him, “Henrik?”

“Your going through like what the young Gilbert boy did, you died but were brought back to life,” Henrik says.

“I'm connected to the other side,” i say and Henrik nods.

“Elisha, who are you talking to?” Nik asks opening my door and walking in.

“When i died and was brought back, a part of me still remains on the other side,” he looks confused at this making my sigh, “i'm connected to the other side. I can see and talk to Mikael, Henrik also,” i look over to where the two were standing.

“That’s impossible,” Nik says shaking his head.

“It’s not, Jeremy went through this also, but he shut the people out because any time he would want to see them or was thinking about them they would just pop up. The only way to get rid of a spirit is to block them out completely,” i look at Nik when i say this, “i'm not doing that, i finally have a chance to get to know Henrik and i can still talk to Mikael.”

“Okay,” he nods to this, “just be careful with what you are doing,” i nod to this and i see him look over in the general area that the two were standing in, “i know you can hear me Mikael, i hope that you protect her to the best of your ability, if you don't i will find some way to resurrect you just to kill you again,” i couldn't help but laugh at this.

“You trying to make him my guardian angel or something?” Nik just rolls his eyes at this, “no offense but Mikael is one of the farthest people from an angle, i think you got the top spot on that one.”

“I would disagree with that one,” Nik says laughing slightly as he walks over and sits on the bed, “i think Esther has me beat, but i appreciate that you think i'm the devil.”

“Come on, we all know you are the devil in disguise,” i joke making him and Mikael both laugh.

“Tell me, how are they doing?” Nik asks softly as he places a hand on my knee, “How are you doing?”

“I'm fine,” i tell him knowing that he wants to know how i'm doing more than anything else. I look over to Mikael and Henrik questioning them on it and i can see both of them smile, “their good, lonely no doubt, but their alive in a way. Mikael finally has his son that he hasn't seen in a thousand years back while Henrik got his father back and not the one that had been chasing us, the one that accepted you.”

“Yeah, he did, because of you,” Nik tells me, “anyways, it's about ten and i was coming to check on you.”

“I'm fine,” i tell him, “there’s something else though isn't there.”
“Yeah turns out that Alaric told the council about vampires walking around town so they are coming after everyone. Also, Kol left sometime during the night, and Elijah seems like he is about to leave again to go somewhere else.”

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