33. Graduation

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Caroline had called Nik and me both when we were about two hours out from town saying how we need to get back to town to save Damon. Caroline also told me that in the time that i was gone Silas had gotten Bonnie to drop the veil and now graduation was going to be in the middle of a ghost triangle. I'm surprised my wedding was so normal in this town, speaking of which i told Josh that my family is moving to New Orleans and he started to tell everyone what was happening and that they had to stay here to be safe, not to mention he started packing everything up. Bash and Rosa, which became a couple at some point, helped pack but offered to stay and oversee the trainings here which i was grateful for. Bash did offer his truck to help move stuff since Josh and i were both taking our bikes down. Xavier also is packing but to go home to England since he misses home so much and he also wanted to help other wolves overseas with their transitions. This truly felt like a graduation where everyone goes their separate ways except the Mystic Falls gang which were all going to Whitmore college- well all except the Salvatores.

When Nik pulls up to the high school i immediately find Caroline and we walk over to her but as soon as we get close we are welcomes with a high pitched screech which is focused on Caroline, Elena and Stefan. My uncle grabs a cap and throws it like a frisbee beheading the witch making everything stop, “there are plenty more of these to go around. Who’s next? I can do this all day,” he smiles and i start to flip a cap that i had in my hands.

The witches quickly leave as i turn to the group, “looks like we got her in time to stop them from ruining your graduation.”

“No, no, no, no,” Caroline says confusing me, “you’ve been here since freshman year, you are graduating with us, now go get your gown and get ready.”


“No. Go. Now,” from the aggression in her voice i don't question it walking away as i hear Stefan and Elena hurry to catch up with me.

“Why are you here?” Elena asks.

“Caroline says that Nik or i had to get back her to save Damon, we were coming back anyways to pack up everything,” i say as i stop at the table that was handing out the cap and gowns, “Elisha Mikaelson,” i tell her and she nods looking through her stuff grabbing a gown out of a box handing it to me.

I walk away as the two follow, “why do you have to pack up everything?” Elena asks.

“I’ll explain later,” i say slipping on the gown and zippin it up and putting on the cap, “how do i look?”

“You’re avoiding the question Elisha,” Stefan says.

“No i said that i would explain later when everyone is together,” i look at the time on my phone, “graduation is in like half an hour, i’ll explain after, but right now i need to make a call,” i walk away from them and they don't follow as i go behind one of the bleachers and call my father.

“Elisha is there something wrong?” he asks.

“No, i'm just letting you know that Caroline is making me participate in graduation so our departure time is going to be later than planned.”

“Okay, that’s fine, when does graduation start?”

“Half an hour from now, people are already showing up,” i look around and see they are started to group everyone, “in fact they are gathering everyone up now,” i hear what sounded like a gust of wind through the phone before i see my father walking up the steps on the bleachers.

“I'm here,” i could tell he was smirking at this, “and so is Niklaus and your brother,” i wasn't that shocked to hear that to be honest, but i'm surprised when i look over and i notice two people that are dead also sitting there and i can tell it surprises my father also.

“The veil is dropped, the dead can walk amongst the living,” i say into the phone before hanging up and speeding over to where they were gathering people. A woman puts me in my spot and i wait there for a couple minutes before Josh pops up behind me.

When we walk out out i could hear people cheering for students making me laugh as i sit down in the mass of people. The new mayor, i believe he is Bonnie’s father, stands up and makes a speech along with the principal, vice principal, valedictorian, and a few others. After the speeches were done they started to call up people for them to get their diplomas and i was in the middle of everyone because i'm a Mikaelson. When my name was called though most if not all of the graduates where cheering or clapping then most of the people in the stands were also cheering and clapping but i didn't care about most of that. I saw my family clapping, well all but Kol and Caun which were yelling and cheering making me roll my eyes as i smile grabbing my diploma and walking off the stage.

Another half hour past as the rest of the class graduates and we all throw up out caps. As soon as that was done Josh and i went to leave but Caroline stopped us to get pictures which i didn't mind. Yet another half an hour past of me taking pictures with people before i was finally able to slip away undetected to the mansion where Mikael and Kol where along with the rest of my family, “congrats on graduating even though i'm sure you have done it before,” Kol says.

“Yes, but none are as hard as this one, i’ve known the people in this town for the past four years and my friends it wasn't until last year that we literally couldn't tell each other things,” i tell him as i remember something, “which reminds me i need to grab something, before i go.”

“Go?” Mikael asks and i sigh.

“New Orleans, there are somethings down there that we need to take care of and we are going to make that our new home,” i explain, “you two can't leave from the triangle which this house is on the edge of, not to mention my friends are going to figure out how to put the veil backup or something so you won't be here for much longer,” i grab the dvd from off the table turning back to the two, “i don't want to risk using magic to bring you both back and leave a gateway for others to do so even after the veil is restored.”

“So we are going to be gone again?” Kol questions.

“Yes, but this time we can say goodbye, have some closure,” i stuff the dvd in my bag as i look at my family again, “honestly there isn't anything i have to say to the two of you since i'll still see you when the veil goes back up, but i still want to hug both of you since i won't be able to do that,” i say walking over to both of them hugging Kol. When i go to hug Mikael though i say through our minds, “this is probably the last time i'm going to see both of you, so goodbye, i wish you were here longer so i could get to know you better. Oh and don't tell any of them about this,” when i pull away he gives me a sad smile saying he understands before i walk away grabbing my bag. Josh was already in his truck with it loaded with all of our stuff.

Josh knows that i want to stop at the Salvatore boarding house so he drives there and i'm quick to take the dvd and speed into the house leaving a note saying to only play this when everyone is there before texting the entire gang telling them that i want to tell them something and to meet me at the boarding house asap before leaving the house for the last time, “you ready to go?” Josh asks softly when i get into his truck, i just nod as he drives away. I could feel the tears start to fall from my eyes, i'm probably never going to see my uncle and grandfather again in my entire life and now i might not see my friends from Mystic Falls. I guess this is what happens when you are a Mikaelson. This is what happens when you are his daughter.

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