31: The Wedding

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The next week was spent with everyone on edge because Silas seems to have just disappeared, like everyone knows that he has the cure so we expected that he was going to move on with his plan but he hasn't. Also Elena got her humanity back and as expected it was hard for her at first but then Caroline had the idea that her and Bonnie should work together for the bridesmaid dresses and that helped get her mind off of everything. In fact everyone was doing their part without killing each other, Caroline was basically bossing around the gang plus my father were doing the same to my brother, Rebekah- which calmed down from everything dealing with the cure- and Nik. In fact everything was set up and ready last night and now it’s just nerves thinking that something was going to go wrong or that i forgot something.

“Why are you so nervous?” Caroline asks as Rebekah finishes up doing my hair.

“It’s Mystic Falls and there is a wedding, why shouldn't i be nervous?” i ask standing up to walk over and get my dress.

“Because you trusted Elijah and me with everything and Mystic Falls or not it’s going to be great,” she says, “now go put on your dress it’s almost time,” she says ushering me into the bathroom and i go changing into the dress. When i come out all the girls in the room smile at me.

“You look beautiful,” Elena says.

“No you aren’t beautiful,” Rebekah says, “you’re hot,” we all laugh at this.

“You’re ridiculous you realise that right?” i ask and my aunt just smiles at me before a knock on the door came making everyone calm down from our laughing. Caroline walks over to the door cracking it open slightly seeing who it is before she lets my father into the room.

“It’s time for you ladies to get into your spots,” with that Bonnie, Caroline, Elena, Rebekah and Rosa leave the room to meet up with who they are walking with. You see i had my father set this all up as to make this less miserable for Nik i had him put with Caroline, Rebekah is with my brother, Bonnie is with Matt, Elena and Damon, then Rosa and Stefan. It was probably the best way to do it, “are you ready for this?” my father asks me.

“Yeah, i am,” i say smiling.

“You look beautiful, your dress is fit for a queen.”

“It’s not, but thank you,” i say as i grab my veil.

“Here let me help you with that,” my father says taking it out of my hands as he sits it in my head with ease before looking at his watch, “we must be going,” i nod to him as he offers his hand and i take it as we walk out of the room and down the stairs. I grab my bouquet from the table as we walk out to the back yard. To be honest, i didn't look at what Caroline had set up, but it looked amazing. There were chairs that line the walkway and at the end there were Japanese lanterns on every other row and flowers where there aren't lanterns. There was an arch walkway thing at the very end with flowers covering it to match the flowers in my bouquet. My friends, aunt, and ‘daughter’ all have smiles on their faces as i walk down, they look amazing in their burgundy dresses and the guys all looked sharp in gray suits with burgundy bow ties. It all came together to look amazing, but i guess that was mainly Caroline’s doing anyways so it was expected. My father and i stop our walk down the aisle and we turn to face each other as he lifts the veil up and over my head giving me a smile, kissing my forehead before handing me off to Josh. Josh takes my hands as i step up onto the little platform that i didn't realise was there facing him. To be honest, i didn't really hear what the women was saying until she says about us writing our own vows.

“Elisha,” Josh says smiling, “there are no words that i could possibly describe what i feel for you. Honestly, i rewrote this about two hundred times thinking that nothing i wrote was actually worth it because you, in every way, are a queen. What i'm saying now or what i wrote never seemed to be up to the queen status,” he laughs a little at this along with some others, “I know that from an outside perspective what i'm about to say may sound really weird but, i will always be loyal to you and bow down and praise you. You are my queen, alpha, sire, and the love of my life and i knew after a century that i wanted to spend the rest of my life with you even if that means five centuries, millennia or an eternity, it won't feel that long if i have you with me,” he says smiling and i smile with him, “and come on let's be honest if she dies i'm dying anyways,” this gets everyone to laugh including my dad and uncle.

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