11. Getting My Family Back

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The next day i got up and showed Niklaus the mansion that sat just outside of town and he called his hybrids so they would show up and start on some renovations even though i had been putting the place back together myself for awhile now. "This place doesn't look that bad," Niklaus comments.

"Well i've had some people coming in to start fixing this place sometimes for the past year, but taking it that it's been four months since the last time anyone came in here, it's not that great," i say looking at the place, "with your hybrids, some of mine, and the company that renovates houses we could have this place done in a couple days to a week," he nods to this so i pull out my phone and make some calls before returning to him, "they should be here in half an hour," i tell him as my phone goes off in a notification of a text. I pull it out and see that it's from Rebekah.

Rebekah: When you coming over?

Elisha: I'll be there soon, give me like half an hour so i can grab Rosa and come.

Rebekah: okay see you soon!

"Hey Niklaus, i have to go," he gives me a questioning look, "tonight is the homecoming dance tonight and i promised Rebekah that she could help me get ready and i have to pick up someone from my pack and go to the Salvatores place," Niklaus gives me a semi worried look, "don't worry they if they do anything to me i'll snap their necks," he smiles a little at this, "you know where my place is so if need be go there at any point, just give me a heads up, alright?" he nods and i walk out of the house and to my car driving to my house where Rosa jumps in with her dress and shoes along with what i guess to be a makeup bag. I drive to the Salvatore boarding house and walk in with Rosa behind me to see that no one but Rebekah seemed to be there. I grab Rosa and speed up to Rebekah's room to see she is already in her dress.

"Let's start with your hair, then you two can get in your dresses then we can put on makeup," Rebekah kind of demands as she walks over to her curling iron motioning for me to go over and sit down so i did.

"Have you guys ever been to a high school dance before?" Rosa asks.

"Never had time, me and Nik were constantly moving around," Rebekah says calmly.

"Same, minus the constantly moving around part, as you know Rosa i've basically have only lived here in Mystic Falls, i have gone and stayed in other places, just not for long."

"Well i was just turned so of course i've never been to a high school dance before, so you know what that means?" Rebekah and i both look at Rosa questionly, "it means we all have to look beyond hot. Oh and Rebekah, do you have a date to the dance?"

"Yes i do, i'm going with Matt."

"Matt? As in Matt Donovan?" i ask and she nods, "well you got yourself one of the better guys in this town," with that we fall into a short period of silence until Rebekah got both Rosa and I's hair done. That's when Rebekah sent Rosa and i to the bathroom to do our own make up and get changed. As Rosa and i were in the bathroom we heard Elena come in and talk to Rebekah, i motion for Rosa to stay quiet and she does as i listen and hear what sounded like a Rebekah being daggered. I motion for Rosa to stay put as i open the door and walk out, "okay Rebekah how do i look?" when i look i see that Rebekah was indeed daggered again, "what did you do?"

"You took our one weapon away to kill Klaus, so we are taking away what Klaus wants, his family," Elena says to me as she walks out of the room dragging Rebekah behind her. I wait till i know Elena is in the basement before i go to Rosa and get her to grab her clothes before we went down to my car and drive back to my place where i text Niklaus and ask if he was going to make a grand appearance at the dance tonight which he responds with a maybe. I hope he does so i can talk to him about Rebekah.

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