Chapter 1 - The Big, Bad Bad Boy

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Hello all! I hope you enjoy this story, it's just a little something I've been wanting to post for a while. I apologise if it's very cliche and lacks humour.



"Emma you're going to be late!"

I can hear my mother screaming at me: it's a parent thing where they yell from downstairs and hope that somehow it will reach your ears, which are a whole ceiling away, and that you'll magically awaken like Sleeping Beauty. Well guess what? My mother is not my Prince Charming and I most certainly am not a morning person.

Despite this, her plan is a success. I hear her loud and clear and begin to stir in my sleep, my eyes opening reluctantly and facing the bright light that it is the outside world. Honestly, I can't deal with the sun first thing in the morning, it really is an enemy to my eyes.

I hiss at it like a cat before turning away and sitting on the side of my bed. Stretching my limbs out until I hear a clicking noise, I stand up and yawn loudly. Then I head to the shower to quickly wash myself before running to school.

This is basically my morning routine: I get up late, swear at the sun, shower, and eat breakfast, namely the oxygen in the air. It is a pretty hectic routine, but if there is one thing that that horrible place called high school has taught me, it's that -- despite my dislike for exercise -- I can get out of bed and ready in a handful of minutes. If only I could get a Guinness World Record for that, it would be rightfully mine.

I leave the door with about ten minutes until school starts and begin my morning jog, or as I like to call it: The-run-for-your-life-or-you-will-get-a-detention-jog.

It isn't too bad considering my high school is only a street away, so I make it every time. After almost four years of this routine, I have absolutely no regrets. Getting up early? Who does that? Sleep is way more valuable.

I reach school with a minute to go before I can push open the doors to my form class and actually make it for registration. I start to slow my jog down when all of a sudden, the bell rings. Oh crap, I'm late. Now it really was the time to run. And so I'm off again, allowing my tiny (yes, they are only a size four) feet to carry me quickly to my class against my will. And all was going well until I bumped into a rather hard, human shaped wall. Thanks a lot, feet.

"What the hell?" A deep voice growls, as large hands grip my shoulders to push me away.

I look up, immediately frightened by the vicious tone.

And guess what? I am faced with none other than Grey Black, the school's renowned bad boy.

He was standing there before me in all his rebellious glory, displaying everything: from the perfectly chiselled face to his sapphire eyes, which glowered now that he was angry.

He was everything all the girls wanted and every guy looked up to him. Grey Black was the epitome of being cool but to me, he just seemed to be confused. Heck, his name is Grey Black, which in itself made little sense.

"Sorry." I squeaked, hoping that he wouldn't shout at me. He was around six feet tall so he basically towered over me, which was very intimidating. He was like the Empire State Building and I was an ant. Ok, maybe it wasn't that bad but it sure felt like it.

"Watch where you're going!" Grey warned, shouting right in my face before storming off.

Jeez, who got his panties in a twist? I didn't dare to say that out loud or anything else for that matter, so I sped off quickly to my form class, in the hope that no one had seen me shed a tear out of fear.

I entered my form class and met my form teacher Mrs Cooper's steely glare. She was frightening, and once you did something wrong she wouldn't ever let it go. I hoped that if I apologised she would perhaps be lenient and spare me a detention, considering I hadn't been late in nearly two weeks. Yes, two whole weeks! Yet another record that was Guinness worthy! Ok, maybe those two weeks were the Easter holidays but still, I was proud of myself.

But alas the gods were not on my side. Mrs Cooper silenced the class and faced me, her eyes darkening as she began to scold me.

"Miss Redbourne! You are almost five minutes late to registration. And you were late only two weeks ago! This is becoming a habit and I will not stand by and allow you to get away with it. You will attend detention every day of this week and hopefully by then you will learn to arrive on time for once!"

The whole class was trembling. Or maybe my head was shaking in fear, still traumatised from my earlier run-in with Grey, so the class looked like it was moving. Woops. Anyway, I only nodded before apologising again and sitting down at my seat at the back of the room, accepting my fate.

"Are you ok?" a voice from next to me asks.

It's my best friend Dee White. Dee and I have been close friends since we were in nursery and the two of us tell each other everything. She could see past the recent scolding I got and notice that something else was bothering me. I was so glad to have her.

"It's nothing..." I mumbled as she rolled her hazel eyes, flicking back some of her dead straight hair.

"Let me rephrase that. Tell me what's wrong or I will punch you to the goddamn floor, Emma!" Dee demanded feistily, maintaining intense eye contact with me.

But before I can answer her, an angry voice butts in.

"Miss White, I suggest you keep your voice down if you don't want to join Miss Redbourne in detention today!" she yells at us, whilst this ugly vein bulges from under her forehead.

I squirm at the sight of and notice that Dee is equally repulsed.

"The vein?" I whisper discretely.

Dee chuckles. "It has a mind of its own."

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