Chapter 20 - Checkmate

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Another one of my favourite chapters! Things are about to get interesting.




Monday had come already, and my first lesson was my favourite subject of them all - Mathematics! Please note the heavy sarcasm. However, for once in my life, I was actually looking forward to the lesson. For today, in Maths, I was going to break up with Grey.

I walked into the classroom confidently, taking my place next to Grey, who gave me a smug smile. He thought he had won this, but I knew that it was all coming to an end, very soon.

"You look very happy today," Grey noted, examining my face, "Finally realised you love me?"

I scoffed, retching internally at the thought.

"You wish. No Grey, I'm happy because your fun is going to end very soon, and I can't wait to crush your hopes and dreams."

Grey laughed at my remark.

"How many times do I need to tell you that this relationship is NEVER going to end?"

He took the liberty of poking my cheek with one of his large fingers. I swatted it immediately with the back of my hand and Grey feigned hurt.

"Oh no!" he cried out, "My poor index finger will never breathe again!"

I rolled my eyes. He thought of himself as such a comedian, didn't he?

"Fingers can't breathe, idiot."

Before Grey could respond to my witty comeback, heels clacked into the classroom, getting closer and louder by the second.

Violet Groves was approaching Grey, her eyes furious.

"You! You slept with me last night and told me you would break it off with her!" she screamed as the entire class turned around, phones in their hands, some whispering, others gasping and shouting.

Violet placed her hands over Grey's chest and shoved him forcefully. Her eyes fell on a water bottle on someone's desk and she unscrewed its lid, throwing its contents all over his face.

Grey gasped in shock, trying to shake the water off himself.

"Don't ever call me again!" Violet yelled furiously, strutting away to her desk and bawling her eyes out. I turned my head and gave her a thumbs-up. She had played her part perfectly. Violet nodded her head at me and smiled. Maybe the Queen Bee wasn't so bad after all.

Just as Grey was trying to explain himself, I got up and slapped him.

"You slept with her? Whilst we were together?" I put on my best 'heartbroken and seething' face and after staring at him for thirty seconds, tears welled in my eyes.

"We are over!" I yelled fully in his face, as his eyes widened in shock.

The entire class was watching us, their mouths open and eyes fixed on the scene. Mrs Jenkins had just walked in, her lips turned up in amusement. She quickly hid it as she reached her desk and looked directly at Grey and me.

"Mr Black and Miss Redbourne, I do not know what trivial quarrel you two are having, but I would like it to stop, right now!"

I wiped my eyes, trying to look miserable.

"But Miss, I just found out that Grey has been cheating on me! Please let me move seats, I can't stand to be next to him." I pleaded, the desperation in my eyes genuine.

Mrs Jenkins laughed.

"If you think I believed that scene for a second, you students must think I'm seriously stupid. Sorry Miss Redbourne but you will just have to stay there. Now quieten down."

I sat down, frowning. But a smile overcame me as I glanced at Grey who was wet and angry. I noticed a grin forming on his face and began to fear the reason for this.

"You really did it, eh?" Grey commented wistfully. "I have to hand it to you, involving Violet is something that even I wouldn't do."

I brushed it off like it was no big deal.

"Turns out, Violet is a very persuasive person." I lied, thinking about how much makeup I had promised to buy her in exchange for her help.

Grey whipped out a hand and looked at me with a smile.

"How about we call a truce?"

I gazed at his hand and shrugged.



I headed to English and began to think about what to say to Lottie. I needed to ask her about Jeremy without mentioning his name. Maybe I could just ask her about her love life. That could work...

"Hey Emma! Are you alright? I heard that you and Grey broke up!"

Lottie said to me, taking her seat. Wow, word got around fast. Why was it such a big deal to people?

"Yeah, we did," I replied, as the frown on her face grew larger. I paused, feeling the urge to tell her the truth.

"Lottie, I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, but Grey and I were never together in the first place. It was all a ruse which started off because I needed to get away from some guy hitting on me. Then Grey continued the entire thing because he's a cruel person."

Lottie examined me closely and tilted her head to the side.

"It's ok, I enjoyed the drama. It's made these last two weeks enjoyable."

I raised an eyebrow. I suppose gossip was the fuel the school needed to keep itself going.

Then I remembered - I had to ask about the Jeremy thing.

"Anyway, how is your love life?" I questioned Lottie slyly and her face didn't turn red or pink. She didn't even look away from my intrusive gaze. Maybe she didn't have a crush.

She let out a bitter chuckle.

"Non-existent. I don't have a crush right now..." she admitted, looking pleased with herself. It was good to know that Lottie wasn't like most of the girls around here who only cared about guys and crushes. Lottie didn't. She was truly happy without a love life and I respected her for that.

"Any guys that catch your eye?" I persisted. I had to do this for Jeremy, he was a great guy and I could see he and Lottie making a cute couple.

Lottie shrugged.

"I talk to a couple of guys from my classes but none of them are really my kind of guy.." she answered honestly. My face fell.

"Ah ok..." I commented weakly as the lesson begun.

Well, if Lottie hadn't noticed Jeremy, I would make her.

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