Chapter 39 - The Enemy's Best Friends

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Anyone else enjoying the current weather as much as I am?

Enjoy this update. We have only 11 chapters left :0

Also, please feel free to let me know what you think of the story so far.



"Excuse me? Are you Cody and Louis?"

Two guys spun around to face me. Their expressions reminded me of Grey's face, displaying a mix of surprise and amusement. There was no doubt in my mind that these two people were Grey's friends.

"Yep, Cody Raven at your service." The dark-haired guy pointed to himself confidently and gave me a wink.

"I'm Louis but everyone calls me Orange." Now the blonde haired one spoke, giving me an embarrassed smile.

So this was the famous Orange, the victim of Grey's pranks. Things made a little more sense. But before I asked the big question, I needed to know something.

"Why are you called Orange?"

Louis' lower lip dropped a little. Cody was smirking now, smirking Grey's smirk.

"His... surname... is Peel." Cody managed to gasp out, through fits of raucous laughter. I didn't really find it that funny. Their sense of humour was not humourous in the slightest.

"I see..." I responded blankly. The guy shifted uneasily. Oh, I hadn't even introduced myself.

"I'm Emerald but everyone calls me Emma."

The guys exchanged a knowing look. Then, in a split second, they became two Greys, both smirking at me with wiggling eyebrows. I backed up a little, uncomfortable at their facial expressions.

"Emerald, we have heard a lot about you." Cody stated, an amused smile playing on his lips. I felt my face grow hot. What did they know about me?

"So, what brings you to us?" Orange added, rubbing his hands together as if he was trying to create a fire.

"Um... I was told that you guys are busy this weekend by an um anonymous source. Is this true?" My words were stunted and disjointed but I pushed them out anyway, bit by bit.

The two guys exchanged looks again and excused themselves, to huddle in the corner. What were they doing? Couldn't they just answer my question like I asked them to?

Cody and Orange returned, their faces strained.

"Well?" I was tapping my foot impatiently, desperate to know their answer.

"Yeah we're super busy." Cody started, before coming closer to me and whsipering, "Orange here has to go to the hospital for a rash, you know, down under."

He raised his eyebrows for emphasis and I backed away.

"Right... well, it was nice to meet you." I mentioned quickly, before taking off from the classroom.

What a strange pair.


"Emma, you're ridiculous. But we always talk about you, so I'm going to talk about me."

Dee was sitting opposite me in the canteen area, barely touching her food. She had reacted badly when I mentioned the whole 'confronting Grey Black's friends' thing. In her opinion, I had 'sunk her ship.'

There was no ship to begin with. Unless, of course, it was the Titanic.

"Dee, it's alright. Emma will soon see the truth." Steve reassured her. I made sure to give him my scariest glare.

"So," I picked up a fry and stuffed it in mouth, "are you two officially dating yet?"

They went silent, trying their best not to look at each other.

"We haven't really talked about it..." Dee replied after a while, and Steve nodded in agreement. To be completely frank, they were already a couple. Any normal human could clearly see that.

"Hello all!"

Jeremy had arrived, his hand clasping Lottie's as the two of them sat down at our table. My eyes zoomed in on the affectionate gesture, threatening to pop out from excitement.

"Earth to Emma!" Jeremy waved a hand in front of my face, his curious eyes scrutinising me.

"YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE!" I slapped my cheeks with my hands, eyes wide with my aforementioned cheeks now hurting from the impact.

Jeremy and Lottie said nothing, their faces growing slightly pale at my comment.

"Haven't had the talk yet?" I straight up asked them, and they looked stunned at my intuition.

"Wow," I thought aloud, "two couples in denial."

My eyes fell on the two couples in question. Both just rolled their eyes or glared. I stared at them after that, I really stared.

Then it hit me. When did I become the 'single pringle' of the group? How had everyone got into a relationship?


My head hit the table before I could fully understand what was going on. Heidi was on my back, her arms wrapped around my neck and her legs around my waist. I know, it doesn't sound humanely possible, but it's Heidi, and she is far from human.

I shook Heidi off me but she clung onto my body like a panda to some bamboo.

"Heidi, you're fairly heavy, y'know." I told her and she reluctantly hopped off my back, pouting.

"When did Emmie become so rude, guys?" She turned to the group and her mouth fell open.

"And when did y'all get married?"

Four blushing faces stared back at her, not expecting her to say that.

Then, just when I was hoping she might inflict harm upon the four criminals, she sat down beside me, a serious look on her face.

"Emmie," Heidi began, her eyes filled with regret, "I've been keeping something from you, from all of you."

I heard Jeremy whisper 'I always knew she was crazy.'

Heidi's head flew to the side, enforcing a steely gaze in Jeremy's direction. He looked down at the table, ashamed.

"Emmie, I'm also married. To Chris.

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