Chapter 50 - The Enemy Is My Ally

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The final chapter is finally here! YAY!

I'm so excited to finally finish this book! However, there will be an epilogue after this, so don't forget to read that.



The night air was cool and chilly against my face but I revelled in it. The breeze was perfect on my warm skin, allowing me to cool down and relax.

My arms however, were far from happy. I began to shiver as goosebumps formed all over my skin.

Before I knew what was going on, a jacket was thrown over my body. It was warm and smelt good.

"Here." Grey helped me to put it on properly and I thanked him. I felt a lot warmer.

"Let's walk up to the bridge," Grey suggested, taking my hand in his as we strolled in that direction.

Although it was dark outside, it was beautiful. The grass was soft and the sky was clear, allowing many stars to be seen. The moon was out too, flooding the golf course in a pool of its moonlight.

We finally reached the small wooden bridge in the midst of the course. It was built over a tiny stream filled with gushing water. The sounds of the running waves was soothing.

Grey and I stood there for a bit, observing our surroundings.

"It's beautiful." I breathed out, truly taken aback by the scenery.

"It is." Grey commented and I turned to him. He wasn't looking at the scenery though. He was looking directly at me.

I felt my face grow hot yet again. Did he mean that? Had he just called me beautiful?

"I-" I tried to speak but no words came out.

Grey smiled at my ineptitude, before turning back to the scenery.

I was irritated at myself. I should've said something. I should've thanked him, or told him how handsome he looked, although goddamn hot was probably more accurate.

"Grey." I squeaked out, my breath hitched in my throat. My heart was racing.

Grey looked to me curiously.

"What is it, Emerald?"

That's when I did it. I dived forward and gently took hold of his face, before planting my lips on his. At first he didn't kiss back. I was tempted to step back but as I tried to, an arm held me firmly in place. I could barely register what was happening.

Grey Black was kissing me back.

We broke from the kiss, sighing with relief as we did so.

"I've been waiting for you to do that ever since you kissed me to run away from me." Grey remarked, a look of nostalgia crossing his face. I felt my chest grow warm at his comment. Did this mean he liked me? I had to ask. Now was the perfect time to.

"Grey, do you like me?"

Grey blinked, his eyebrows raised. I don't think he was expecting the question.

"Well, that depends." He replied, vaguely. Wow, this idiot knew how to ruin special moments, didn't he?

"On?" I pushed, desperate to get an answer.

"On whether you like me." He finished, smirking, but I could tell he was nervous.

"I do."

My words came out in a hushed whisper. I had never admitted it until this very second, but it was true. I did like Grey. I had never enjoyed being with somebody as much as I enjoyed being with him. I'd also never felt so comfortable around another person. And I am definitely attracted to him, I mean, who isn't! I suppose it had took me so long to realise it because I wasn't fully over Victor and I was uncertain about Grey's feelings.

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