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After prom had finished, I was waiting in the reception area for Grey to come back from the toilets. I think what Heidi had said had really got to him and his bladder.

I chuckled to myself, reminiscing over how amazing the evening had been. Grey and I had finally come clean about our feelings for each other and he had asked me to be his girlfriend. I was undoubtedly the happiest person alive right now.

I was staring into space when I heard someone call my name. It was somebody I hadn't seen in a while.

Victor Blue was standing in front of me, his hair and face as perfect as usual. The suit he was wearing exentuated the colour of his eyes. There was no doubt that he looked incredibly good.

"Hi, Victor." I greeted, giving him a small smile.

He returned it and started up with small talk.

"How are you doing?" He asked me, taking a seat opposite me and studying me.

"I'm well, how are you?"

"Not too bad. The last few months haven't been easy but I've been investing myself more in sport to stay focused."

The mention of sport brought back the memory of our breakup. I shuddered at the thought.

"Did you come with someone tonight?"

Victor looked up from the floor, surprised at my sudden question. I hope he didn't think I was jealous or anything. I was just trying to make small talk and we had just had prom, so it seemed appropriate.

"No, I didn't. I stuck with Chris for most of it." He confessed and I recalled how Heidi practically stuck to Chris like glue when I saw them before.

"And Heidi too?" I added with a chuckle.

Victor nodded, a smile forming on his face.

"Yeah, Heidi."

"What about you? Did you come with anyone?" Victor inquired. I could tell he was a little bit nervous to ask me this. I just hoped he wouldn't take the answer badly.

"I did." I told him, watching his reaction. His face fell a little but then a sad smile found its way onto his lips.

"I'm glad."

At that very moment, Grey walked out of the toilets, his eyes widening as he saw Victor.

"Is everything ok here?" Grey stood in front of me protectively, and I assumed he was glaring at Victor.

Victor looked between the two of us, his mind putting the pieces together.

"Are you two dating?" Victor spoke calmly, and Grey continued to loom in front of me, his legs spread out to mark his territory.

"Yes." I stated and Victor got up.

He gave me a strained smile, congratulating us. And then he quickly walked out of the door.

Grey relaxed his posture and sat down next to me.

"Hey, I never asked you, but are you sure you're ready to be with me?" Grey placed his hand over mine and waited for my response.

I didn't need to think it through. I knew I was ready.

"Yes. Definitely." I assured him, one-hundred-percent sure that I was.

Grey embraced me, so that I was sitting on his lap with my face buried in his chest. The position we were in was more comfortable than it sounds.

"Hey, lovebirds, go PDA somewhere else!" I heard an annoyingly familiar voice rant, and I reluctantly removed my head from Grey's chest to face them.

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