Chapter 27 - Double Assault

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So, Victor and Emma, eh? Thoughts? Complaints? 

Thank you so much for reading, I love you all. 



"Oh my god! EMMIE!" a loud voice shrieked as I was tackled to the ground. I didn't need to guess who it belonged to, it was pretty darn obvious.

"H-Heidi..." I mumbled from beneath the crazy pink haired girl.

Heidi paid no notice to the fact that she had tackled me to the ground in front of a good fifty or so people. She was straddling me, her hands on either side of my body as she stared at me intently.

"Are you going out with Victor!?" She yelled in my face, her mouth wide and stretched out as she did so.

"W-We are ... officially... a couple..." I explained weakly, my voice muffled and strained due to her entire body compressing my own.

"OH MY GOD!!!" Heidi cried out ecstatically, jumping off me and helping me up.

"Congrats Emmie!" she added, throwing her arms around me and squeezing me tightly.

"T-thanks.." I managed to utter, my face going purple in her grasp.

She released me, and I choked on the newfound air reaching my lungs.

"I will go get Whitey, Stevie and Jeremie!" Heidi promised me before galloping away to get my other friends.

I stood there, positively traumatised. Victor came up to me and gave me a small side hug.

"You ok?"

"Yeah. Heidi's a close friend." I told him as he gave me an uncertain smile.

"Seems lovely..."

I chuckled. Why did guys always say the same sort of thing about Heidi?

"I would bang her..." A familiar voice sounded from behind us.


Chris Green stood there in all his glory, his rusty brown hair messed up and his hazel eyes meeting mine. He was wearing a casual shirt and baggy jeans.

"Hey Emma!" He called out to me and waved with a smile.

"I see you've met my best friend then..." Victor spoke from behind me, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Best friend?" I repeated cluelessly.

Chris saw my confused expression and strolled up to Victor. He ruffled the guy's hair and gave me a large grin.

"The two of us have been close ever since we were toddlers." Chris informed me, a nostalgic look in his eyes.


"Emma said yes!" Victor announced as Chris looked surprised but happy for the guy, giving him one of those "bro hugs."

I stood there awkwardly, twiddling my thumbs.

"Emerald Redbourne!" A stern voice came from behind me.

Dee, Steve and Jeremy were all standing there, and Dee looked furious.

"You and Victor are a thing and I am the last one to find out!?" She boomed, her hands on her hips and lips pursed together in a solid line.

I scratched the back of my head anxiously.

"He asked me to be his girlfriend literally two seconds ago..." I exaggerated a little, trying to appease her.

Dee's arms came flying my way, wrapping themselves around my startled body.

"I knew he would ask you! Congratulations Em!" She cried out, releasing me with a large smile plastered over her face.

Suddenly, her phone buzzed, and she looked down at the new message, her face growing pale.

"Emma. We need to go now, or your mother is going to freak out." She whispered quickly, as an image of my mother came to mind, chasing me around the house with a broom for missing my curfew.

Nodding rapidly, I turned back to Victor who had concern etched over his grey eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asked me, tucking a stray hair behind my ear. My face tingled slightly as his finger brushed against it.

"I need to go..."

Victor's face fell immediately, as he brought me into a large encompassing hug. He kissed the top of my forehead and released me reluctantly.

"I'll see you on Monday, Emma." Victor bid me farewell as Heidi, Dee, Steve, Jeremy and I all left.

Whilst we were waiting for a bus, I walked up to Jeremy, who was texting avidly on his mobile. He hadn't noticed me there next to him yet, so I peered over his shoulder to see who he was texting. My eyes glowered at the name on the screen. It was Lottie's.

"OH MY GOD, Jeremy!" I shouted excitedly. The guy jumped back in fear, his eyes filled with tears due to extreme fright. Oh wait, he didn't know I was there. Whoops.

"E-Emma..." Jeremy stuttered, his face drained of colour. He looked like he needed to lie down.

"Sorry..." I apologised, rubbing his back gently. He shook his head before facing me with confidence.


I laughed and pointed to his phone.

"Texting Lottie?" I teased, nudging him with my elbow and winking slightly.

"Um Emma, I think there's something wrong with your eye..." Jeremy was observing my face very carefully, seemingly concerned about my eye.

Wait? Did he mean my winking? Was he offending my amazing winking skills?

"Hey!!!" I slapped his arm in annoyance and he winced.

"Sorry, your winking is so far from winking, it's hilarious." Jeremy admitted before turning back to his phone.

"So, are you guys are talking properly then?" I pried, trying read his messages. The sneaky guy just tilted his phone towards his chest, so I couldn't see anything.

"Yep, I think we are good friends now!" Jeremy declared, a warm smile on his face.

My insides grew warm with happiness. Jeremy and Lottie were finally growing closer, and all my fangirling dreams were coming true.   

The Big, Bad BadboyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora