Chapter 29 - Compromising On The Field

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Happy Thursday! Good news - there are only 20 or so chapters left!



My head hit the desk, thoughts circulating in my mind as I peered into the darkness I saw before me. It had been two weeks since Victor and I became a couple, and no matter how tolerant I was, his involvement in sport was a major barrier to our relationship. 


My head didn't leave the desk but remained firmly pressed against it, as I heard a body sit beside me, their heavy arms falling on the desk beside me. 

"Emerald? Are you asleep?" A snigger sounded, and I felt a finger attack my cheek, prodding it gently to check if I was conscious. I stirred uneasily, swatting it away with my finger.

"Go away, Grey." I mumbled into the desk, my lips pressed uncomfortably against the hard surface of the table. My face was getting sore now, these goddamn tables were harder than my heart. 

Grey shifted on his desk, and I figured he was leaning closer to me, as his leg touched my knee.

"Is it your period?" He whispered, a hand touching my shoulder as some sort of comfort. I could tell he wasn't being serious though, his tone laced with insincerity.

My head immediately snapped up and my eyes turned red, sending Grey a glare before I sent my body forward again, back onto the desk.

I could hear Grey laughing, muttering something along the lines of 'I knew that would work.'

I rolled my eyes whilst pressed against the desk and boy was it a strange feeling. It felt as though my temples were getting a massage.

"You know you can't stay like that forever," Grey remarked, shuffling a little and poking my shoulder. I stiffened and kicked him lightly.

"What if I want to?" I mumbled, my voice barely audible.

There was a moment of silence before a loud thump was heard from next to me. I sat up in shock, wondering what had happened.

Grey's head was on his desk, pressed against it so hard that his nose had gone flat. I couldn't help but laugh at his appearance. 

"Grey?" I called out to the guy, worried for his sanity. 

"Go away, Emerald." He repeated my words back to me, and although he was impersonating my prior, irritated tone, I could hear the humour in his voice. 

I leaned forward, bringing my mouth up to his ear.

"Is it your period?" I asked, feigning concern and trying my hardest to stifle a laugh.

Grey stiffened, his head rolling to the side on the desk to look at me. A small grin had formed on his face. 

"I see the student is learning from the master." 

I rolled my eyes as Grey sat back up in his chair. 

"So," he started, leaning forward, "are you going to tell me what's wrong?" 

I was hoping that he wouldn't bring that up. My eyes drifted to the floor as I shook my head.

"I don't think it's that important really..." I trailed off, but Grey cut in. 

He looked very unconvinced at my statement. 

"If it isn't important, why were you trying to bury your face in that desk?" Grey gestured to the desk that I had pressed my face into, a little less than five minutes ago. 

I hated to say it, but he was right. This whole Victor thing was affecting me more than I'd like to admit. 

"It's Victor." I murmured, getting lost in my thoughts. I thought about the past few weeks, and how many texts and calls he had received about a match or practice, or any other sport-related gathering that he needed to go to. It was as if sport was his second girlfriend. But as of right now, I felt like his second priority, and sport, his first.

Grey looked a little angry. 

"Did he cheat on you?" He snarled, his eyes seeing red as he prepared to stand up. 

I shook my head rapidly, and Grey's eyes cleared, softening immediately. I appreciated his concern as my sort-of-friend and I could see how he had come to that conclusion. I really did look that glum.

"No, it's not that at all," I clarified, taking a deep breath as I prepared to explain the rest to him.

"Victor is very invested in sport and it's interferring in our relationship." I stated bluntly, as Grey's mouth curved into a small frown. 

"Have you told him?" Grey inquired and I let out a bitter chuckle at this question. 

"I need to." 

Frustration began to course through my veins as my thoughts spilled out into words.

"You see, he doesn't realise it. He doesn't realise the amount of times he checks his phone when we are together to ensure he hasn't got another commitment. He doesn't realise how often he runs off to go to practice or a match, leaving me behind. And not once has he invited me to watch him play, not once has he tried to involve me in his sporting life."

I felt as though steam was leaving my ears, my eyes glazed over with hurt. Grey said nothing, listening intently to my every word. I looked down at the floor, ashamed of what I was about to say. 

"He cancelled our first proper date." My mouth grew dry and Grey inhaled sharply at my statement. 

I looked up at him.

"I don't think I can do it," I ran a hand through my hair, entangling a knot, "I don't think I can ask him to choose."

My innards felt twisted, my head pounding with conflicting thoughts. Was I really going to be that kind of girlfriend? The one who forces her boyfriend to leave his dreams behind for her? I couldn't be that selfish. 

"I think you can and you should." Grey finally spoke, his eyes on my panicking figure. How could he be so sure about this?

I was about to protest against his idea but he continued.

"Emerald, you see the world in black and white. You either hate me or you pretend to date me." He joked as I thought back to the fake-lationship. Then Grey's tone turned serious again. "But you don't always realise that there is a middle ground to most situations. People aren't afraid to compromise, to step out from the black and white and into the grey."

"I think you should be honest with Victor and see whether he is willing to compromise for you. If he can, you know the two of you can work it out. If he doesn't, text me and I will come and punch him for you." 

I laughed at his final comment before digesting what he had said. He had a good point. Victor and I still had a chance to fix our relationship, as long as he was willing to compromise. And in a way, I would have to compromise too, the compromise being my acceptance of his investement in sport. 

I turned back to Grey who was sitting back on his chair, looking relaxed.

"Thank you, Grey."

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