Chapter 38 - Decoding The Truth

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What will Grey ask Emma to do?

Thank you for reading :)



"He asked you to watch a movie with him this weekend?"

Dee was yelling in my face, her nostrils flaring and mouth wide open as she did so.

I shrugged. What was the big deal?

"He said it was a movie he really wants to watch but he has no one to watch it with. His friends are all busy this weekend, you see." I explained, repeating Grey's words back to her.

Dee looked at me like I'd gone crazy.

"His friends are busy?" She echoed, making quotation marks with her fingers. "That's the oldest excuse in the book. Can't you see what's actually happening here?"

I shrugged again.

"Grey Black is asking you out on a date!"

I covered my ears. Her screaming voice was too much for me.

Steve emerged from somewhere, looking amused.

Dee turned to him and repeated my statement.

"Grey asked Emma to watch a movie with him this weekend because his friends aren't around."

Steve laughed to himself.

"I knew he would ask you out eventually." Steve replied, looking at me with a smile. I rolled my eyes. They weren't right, were they? Grey was just a friend. A very annoying friend.

"Y'all are deluded." I stated assertively. The two of them shook their heads.

"Nope Emma, you are."


The great hulk of a teenager turned to me with a curious expression.


"This weekend isn't a date or anything, is it?" I asked bluntly, studying Grey's expression.


"It's just your friends can't come, right? That's why you're asking me." I finished and Grey looked up at me with a smirk. Then he began to laugh at me.

"You...thought... it was... a date!?" Grey's face went red from laughing as his body rocked backwards and forwards on his chair. After he had finished laughing, he gave me a more dignified response.


"Ok. Cool." I was relieved that it wasn't because I didn't have any emotional feelings for Grey, and if he did for me, well, that would be awkward, especially since we were sort of friends now.

The rest of the lesson passed in silence. Grey and I only exchanged words when he needed to borrow my textbook. Something didn't seem right, but I gave it the benefit of the doubt. Maybe everything was as it should be. After all, it was the most normal maths lesson I had had this year.

At the end of the lesson, just as I was about to leave, Grey called after me.

"You're still coming this weekend, right?" He asked me with hopeful eyes.

I nodded before leaving the classroom.


Later that day, I saw Lottie. I had to know about the date!

"It was really fun and sweet. I like Jeremy, he's a great guy. I hope he asks me to be his girlfriend."

I let out a squeal. This was amazing.

"Oh my god! Please invite me to your wedding." I cried out, happily. Lottie blushed a little at my words.

"Wedding? Emma, what are you talking about?"

I shook my head.

"Don't worry, young one."

"I'm older than you."

I sighed.

"My soul is more developed than yours." I stated matter-of-factly.

Lottie said nothing.

"So, I've heard that Grey Black is taking you out on a date!" She burst out excitedly, squeezing my hand.

"It isn't a date."

Lottie was quick to jump in and correct me.

"Of course it is-"

"I asked him and he said it wasn't."

I felt quite powerful with this knowledge. Now no one could tell me anything that I knew was false. It had come 'straight from the horse's mouth.'

Lottie looked upset at my statement.

"Why did you ask him? He must be heartbroken..."

I didn't really understand where she was going with this. He had openly laughed in my face. That was hardly the reaction of a heartbroken man.

"What do you mean?" I asked, and Lottie turned to me with a blank expression.

"Don't worry."

I honestly didn't understand what she was talking about. Recently, people had been giving me all kinds of false and coded information. At least Grey Black, for all his flaws, gave it to me straight.

I didn't think we were going to talk more about the whole 'date' situation, but the tenacious girl continued.

"So, how did he ask you?"

"Like a human being asks another human being." I sarcastically replied.

"Oh really, how's that?" Lottie played along.

"With words!"

Lottie let out a chuckle.

"What movie are you watching?"

I wanted to bury my face in the desk. This 21 questions thing was irritating and unnecessary. Did I ask her this much when she went out with her family or friends?

"The new one that just came out. It's one that he really wants to watch or something along those lines..." I mumbled, disinterested.

Lottie was thinking something over before she raised her index finger.

"Is it Little Stars?"

I tried to remember what Grey had said. The name sounded familiar...

"Yeah, I think so. Why?" I wanted to see where she was going with this.

"Firstly, it's a horror movie. Secondly, it's the movie that every couple has been going to see this week!"

I furrowed my brow. That didn't mean anything, right? Grey could just generally want to watch a horror movie.

"He was going to watch it with his friends." I explained, but Lottie, at the very mention of this, rolled her eyes.

"That's the most overused excuse for a date."

I rolled my eyes this time. Dee had said the same thing but in all honesty, I think their imagination is getting the better of them.

"Ok, if you don't believe me, ask those two guys at the back. They're Grey's best friends. If they corroborate his story then sure, you're right. If not..."

"Ok! Fine!" I interrupted her, getting fed up with all of this nonsense. "I'll ask them."

Lottie gave me a triumphant smile.

"Good luck!"

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