Chapter 5 - Funeral Games

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I trudged back to Maths with a sour look on my face. My stomach was stirring uneasily, a storm brewing in my mind. Grey Black was going to kill me. I needed to think up funeral arrangements and quickly.

"Hey Chris?" I asked the guy who was quietly walking beside me. His face turned at my sudden address.


"What colour looks good on me?"

Chris shrugged.

"How about emerald?" he joked, nudging my waist with his elbow.

I rolled my eyes. His joke was far from funny.

"What type of wood would I look good in? I was thinking mahogany-"

"Emma, what the hell?" Chris cried out. He had obviously realised why I was asking all these random questions.

"What?" I questioned him sincerely, "I'm probably going to die today. Grey is going to kill me after what I just did!"

Chris laughed before turning to me with a reassuring smile.

"You're not going to die, so hold off the funeral arrangements for now, ok?" he said, his hand patting my shoulder.

I winced at the contact and he removed his hand, a hurt look crossing his face.

"I'm not made of dirt y'know..." Chris mumbled sadly.

"Sorry..." I apologised regretfully as we reached the Maths classroom.

"Miss Redbourne, how nice of you to rejoin us." Mrs Jenkins welcomed me sarcastically, her eyes narrowing as they fell on my face.

I tried to look innocent but honestly, I was guilty as hell.

"Sorry miss, I was feeling sick." I told the woman, who looked unconvinced. She had probably heard excuses like this a million times. Mrs Jenkins folded her arms over her chest and looked down at me in disapproval.

"You should've told me before leaving." she scolded with a firm voice.

I frowned.

"Miss, I felt like throwing up. If I had told you, you would've been covered in my vomit right now!" I complained as she gave in, sitting back down on her chair.

"Alright I will let you off, don't do it again!"

I thanked her before walking back to my spot, where Grey Black was eyeing me, his face strained and tense.

"What the hell was that!?" Grey yelled as I took seat next to him.

I decided to keep calm and answer as bluntly as possible.

"I kissed you. I bit your lip. I ran away." I reminded him, pausing between each statement.

He looked as if he was about to pound me into dust.

"I know that!" he shouted, "but why did you do all of that?"

I shrugged.

Grey Black then turned to me, an evil smirk playing on his lips.

"Emerald Redbourne, you shouldn't start a fight you can't win." he sneered. I felt my innards stir at his use of my full name.

Somehow this triggered a surge of confidence within me. I felt compelled to fight back, whether he was a bad boy or not.

"It's Emma," I hissed back, my eyes cruel and sharp. "And I didn't start this fight, you did."

I thrust a finger against his chest and he glared, opening his mouth to say something else. Instead, he began to lean forward, his breath fanning on my cheek and lips hovering over mine.

Was Grey Black about to kiss me?

"No Emerald, you started this. And you are going to lose." Grey whispered into my ear, his lips inches away from the shell of it.

I grew nervous at the lack of space between us and began to back away. But Grey's hand grabbed my arm, holding me firmly in place.

"Let me go!" I yelled urgently, struggling to break free as Grey edged forward, his vengeful eyes fixed on mine.

He was going to do it. Grey Black was going to kiss me. I braced myself for impact, shutting my eyes.

His lips met mine, forcefully moving against my mouth and causing me to let out a gasp at the force of it. Grey smirked as his tongue licked my bottom lip and as I inadvertently let them part, his teeth caught my lip and bit down hard. I cried out in pain, shoving the guy away from me.

"And that is how you kiss someone, Emerald." Grey remarked, as the bell rang.

I sat there, stunned at what had happened. Grey Black had played me at my own game and he was good.

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