Chapter 35 - Relaxation

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Enjoy this chapter! Thoughts on Ruby?



I was lying flat on my back as soft fingers kneaded my back, removing the knots and tension from my muscles. I let out a sigh of relief, this massage felt so good. Never in my life had I felt so relaxed. Even Heidi was quiet for once and her usual hyperactive mood was toned down by the peace of the spa. 

And then, just as I was about to catch my forty winks, I heard an annoying buzzing sound. There was little doubt in my mind that it was a phone. 


Heidi was sitting upright now, having put her phone to her ear. I couldn't help but glare in annoyance. Didn't she think to put it on silent mode?

She carried on talking, her face lighting up as she made conversation. My interest peaked. Who could she possibly be talking too?

"Alright, I'll catch you later Greenie. Bye!" Heidi yelled into the phone, and my brain finally worked out who it was. Greenie was a nickname for Green, and Chris' surname was Green. 

"Was that Chris?" I immediately interrogated her and she nodded excitedly, some strands of her bright pink hair coming lose from her bun. 

I raised my eyebrows suggestively and Heidi, instead of blushing or getting emotional, gave me a sincere smile.

"I like him Emmie. A lot." 

I couldn't believe this girl. Despite being the loudest, most irritating and hyperactive girl I had ever met, Heidi Brown was really open about her feelings. It was strange. Her personality was both a mix of extreme abnormality and extreme normality.

"I can tell he likes you too, Heidi." I assured her, as we made our way to the hot tub.

Lottie had been in the sauna whilst we were getting our massages, and I saw her leaving it as we left the massage parlour.

"Hey Lottie!" I called out to the girl, whose brown hair was frazzled, clinging to her wet face. Lottie's face was red and hot, but it looked radiant. I guess the sauna had done its job.

Lottie gave me a quick wave before joining us on our journey to the hot tub.

"I've really enjoyed today." Lottie admitted, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. I gave her a small smile.

"I'm glad."

The three of us sunk into the hot tub, our legs growing limp at the soothing nature of the hot water as it lapped our skin. I sat back on the interior seating, enjoying the sensation of bubbles beating my worn out muscles.

"This is great..." I thought aloud, speaking to no one in particular as my head gradually drooped backwards and my eyes shut, my mind reaching a state of contentment.

The other two "hmm"ed in agreement. There was just something about jacuzzis that left people speechless.

After we had thoroughly used the facilities of the spa, we all had to head our separate ways to go home.

"Get in, loser!"

A loud car horn beeped at me and I fixed my eyes on Ruby, sitting in the driver's seat of her Ford Fiesta, her hands resting lazily over the steering wheel as she gave me an urgent look.

I made my way to the back of the car, getting in there because I knew it would annoy her.

"Em, since when did I become your personal chaffeur?" She nagged, glaring at me through the rearview mirror as I strapped on my seatbelt, smirking at the sight of her irritated face.

"Oakland Road please." I taunted her as she groaned and turned out of the parking lot, her eyes now fixed on the road.

"So, how was the spa? Did lover boy show up?" Ruby attacked me with questions now that we were stopped at a set of traffic lights.

"The spa was amazing. I truly feel replenished- body and soul. And sorry, I didn't quite catch your last question."

Ruby did not miss the snarky tone in my final comment.

"Oh Em, you need to grow a set of eyes." She tapped the side of her forehead by her eyes in emphasis. I rolled my eyes at her action. I had eyes and I used them. Mostly for rolling, but I used them nonetheless.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

I thought back to the guys who Ruby had discussed in passing.

"How's Cooper?" I teased, sending her my best wink.

Ruby scoffed, looking me dead in the eye for a second.

"Cooper is not my friend Ruby. He pretended to be Irish for a whole month, just so that he could pick up this Irish girl. Then, when she found out, he grew three grey hairs due to stress."

My mouth was open. That was truly a dramatic story from start to finish.

"Ok," My mind cleared to think of more names, anything to knock Ruby off her high horse, "What about Jenkins?"

"Jenkins is, well how do I put this; he has some questionable habits. He leaves food on the floor of his apartment to attract insects and mice. And then, he eats them."

I moved from my seat slightly. That wasn't a questionable habit. It was disgusting.

"A-are you serious?" I asked her, disbelieving of the entire thing.

Ruby shook her head.

"I missed out one thing."

"Yeah?" I leaned forward in my chair. Could it get any worse?

"Jenkins is a cat."

I felt my brain deflate at this revelation. How could I have been so stupid?

"Oh." Was all I said. Ruby was laughing really hard, her eyes filling with tears of joy.

"And Carlos?" I was just picking random names from my brain now.

"He opened a fried chicken shop near campus. Everyone has been going there. Carlos tried to ask me out but I had to respectfully decline." She explained and I was shocked that this random name actually meant something to her. How popular was she?

"Why did you decline?"

Ruby's lip formed a smug smile as she looked at my curious face through her rearview mirror.

"Wouldn't you like to know..."

It's a guy, I knew it!

"What's his name?" I interrogated, desperate to find out more.

"I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours."

Of course. Ruby didn't get to see Grey's real name when she went through my phone, as I hadn't added him to my contacts yet. He was still "Unknown Number."

I really wanted to know who Ruby's guy was, so I gave in.

"His name is Grey Black. But we're not together or anything. We hate each other, Rubes."

Ruby took a second to absorb what I had said before she erupted into a fit of laughter.

"His name... is Grey...Black?!" She forced the words out as she laughed, an incredulous expression on her face.

I nodded. I suppose I could see the humour in his name, but that was now an old joke to me. Ruby let out an exhale, wiping her eyes with the back of her sleeve. 

"What's your guy's name then?" 

Ruby looked surprised before she grinned.

"Em, there is no guy, I rejected Carlos because I don't like him like that. I just wanted to find out what your guy's name was." She admitted, pleased with herself. I slumped on the back seat, crossing my arms in annoyance. 

"You're such a pain." I grumbled. 

Ruby looked at me with a cheeky smile.

"You know you missed me."

I know I did. 

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