Chapter 31 - The Final Battle

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What do you think will to happen to Victor and Emma? 

Have a lovely weekend :D



I found myself sitting in the same cafe that had kick-started my relationship with Victor, my mind thinking back to our first "date." I sprayed coffee from my mouth all over him because he had said something ludicrous. Right now, I couldn't quite remember what it was. 


My heart drummed under my chest, and I felt my hands grow clammy. Victor was here.

"Hey Victor." I greeted, the nervousness in my voice evident. I tried to keep calm, but it was difficult as he was watching me closely, clearly concerned at my strange behaviour. 

"Are you alright?" 

I shook my head, not looking up at him. 

Victor leaned forward, placing a hand on my arm.

"Hey, whatever it is, you can tell me." He reassured me, gently squeezing my arm and giving me a small smile. 

The smile wasn't as contagious as usual and for some reason, I frowned at it. 

"Victor, I need to tell you something." 

I think it's pretty obvious by now that I had no idea how to do this, and I was freaking out. Victor's eyes were boring a hole into my face since I refused to make eye contact. I couldn't even begin to imagine what he was thinking. The poor guy was probably so confused.

"I'm unhappy in our relationship," I began as Victor's eyes widened with surprise, "because your commitment to sport keeps interfering." 

Victor buried his face in his hands, groaning.

"This always happens..." he muttered to himself, before he removed his hands from his face. What did he mean? That sport always got in the way of his relationships?

"Emma, I want to apologise for hurting you like this. Everyone around me has had this conversation with me but it still hasn't stuck in my mind that I'm inadvertently ignoring people in my life due to my heavy commitment to sport." 

Victor's eyes flashed with more misery as he continued, sucking in a breath.

"I've never had a serious girlfriend before, but I don't know, with you I thought I could make it work. You never complained about me leaving to go to practice or matches, so I thought everything was fine. But I was stupid not to realise it wasn't." 

My thoughts were multiplying by the second. This was a very emotionally draining conversation, and I didn't know where it was going.

Victor paused and looked to me as if he wanted me to say something. 

"Victor," I started, scared to ask the question, "would you be able to give up some of your commitments for me?" 

His mouth was pressed into a straight line as he shook his head. I felt my chest aching. 

"Emma, sport is my future. I have loved it ever since I was a kid. I'm hoping to become a professional player one day, and I can't give up on that dream." Victor's voice was shaky as he bent forward in his chair, eyes down on his knees. 

I was wrong to ask. Maybe I could just tell him I wasn't affected and I could still be with him? He was a great guy: kind, sweet and thoughtful. If it wasn't for his investment in sport, I would even deem him the perfect boyfriend. But it was too late, I had lost him. 

I decided to retain my emotions and face him. I looked up to see him looking back at me regretfully.

"I understand. I think it's probably right for us to go separate ways then." I stated, trying my hardest to conceal the sorrow in my voice. 

Victor stood up, eager to say something. I stood too, watching him attentively. 

He stepped forward and took my hands in his.

"Emma, I want you to know that I really am sorry for ever asking you to be my girlfriend. It was very selfish of me to do that when I wasn't ready for a relationship, heck, I'm not going to be ready for a while."

He continued, his eyes glowering with nostalgia.

"You have been an amazing girlfriend, and I'm glad you got to be my first. Good luck in the future, I hope there will be no hard feelings between us after this." 

I squeezed his hands lightly as tears welled in my eyes. I couldn't believe I felt this upset, I hadn't even been with him for a long time. I guess I was upset because, whatever time we had, I enjoyed. And now it was over.

"Thank you for everything Victor. You were perfect." I whispered quietly, leaning forward to give him a kiss on the cheek.


"I can't believe we're actually broken up..." I muttered as a tear fell down my face. I was currently in Dee's warm arms, on her sofa, accompanied by a large pot of chocolate icecream. 

Dee hugged me tighter, gently caressing my back as I felt my emotions pour out.

"I'm going to kill that jerkface-" She began, fury laced in her voice. 

"No." I cut her off and she looked at me, alarmed by my interruption.

"Victor doesn't deserve that. We had an amicable break-up, and he didn't do anything wrong. So don't hurt him." 

Dee looked almost impressed at my comment. 

"Emma, I never thought I'd say this but you've matured." 

I gave her a jab in the side with my elbow. What was she talking about? I was a very mature individual.

"Hey! I was always mature," I protested, as Dee scoffed. 

"Emma, you find singing cats funny." 

I immediately erupted into laughter, thinking about this one video on Youtube of a cat rapping.

Dee gave me a pointed look.

"See, you're clearly not mature. But anyway, I think you have matured to an extent. You're still you but you think a lot more about your actions. I'm proud of you Em."

I gave her a small smile, and for a second, I was actually happy.

The Big, Bad BadboyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora