Chapter 19 - The Enemy Drunk Dialled

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So, Jeremy likes Lottie? How exciting, right?

Let me know what you think, if you wish to. 



I got home that day and was considering texting Lottie about Jeremy. But then again, he didn't want me to be too direct about the whole thing. Perhaps I ought to wait until my next English lesson to ask her, that way it could just slip into conversation. It was cute that Jeremy liked her, I could see the two of them making a well-suited pair.

A small smile made its way to my face as I remembered our conversation.

"So how do you know you like Lottie?"

Jeremy went really red and turned his face away from me. I chuckled softly as he was mumbling to himself.

"I won't tell her!" I assured him, and he released a small sigh before actually speaking.

"She has this way of making people feel so happy, I don't know how to describe it, but no other girl has ever really made me feel this way. Her personality is so warm and addictive. And she has the kindest eyes..." Jeremy trailed off before he stopped, thinking he had probably said too much.

He groaned, putting a hand to his warm face.

"Jeremy, that has got to be the cutest thing I have ever heard a guy say about a girl. I am sure Lottie likes you too." I told him, little hearts in my eyes at his romantic confession.

Jeremy gave me a genuine smile as we walked back to the others.

I checked the time on my phone, it was just after midnight now. I was a bit bored and wanted to call Dee because why not but then again, she could be sleeping.

I just gave up and slumped on my bed, looking up at the ceiling.

It would be amazing if a guy could talk about me the way that Jeremy did about Lottie. Like wow, I would be so happy that I would actually attend school and wash the dishes, the two things I hated the most in life. I wonder what it feels like to have someone like that in your life. Someone you love that you also love, someone who makes you happy and cares for you no matter what. The feeling must be like no other.

Just as I was about to get lost in my thoughts, my phone buzzed. Except it didn't stop buzzing, which meant someone was calling me. I moved my hand around on my bed and after finding my phone, scooped it up triumphantly, peering at the caller's name.

Oh god, it was Grey Black. What in God's name was he doing, calling me up at midnight? I stared at the vibrating device, wondering whether or not to pick it up. I was curious about his call but at the same time, I didn't want to talk to that idiot.

I let it ring until the call ended and put the phone back down. Hopefully he would get the message and stay the hell away.

I looked back up at the ceiling. I had completely forgotten about Steve and Dee. I wonder how they were doing, one of them was bound to ask the other out soon. They looked so right together! Literally I have never seen two people better matched. Maybe it was time to text Dee about it.

I picked my phone up again and texted Dee.

How are you and lover boy?

Just as I was about to put my phone down, the phone rang. I accepted the call immediately, thinking it was Dee. But no, it was my biggest nightmare.

"Emma-rald..." the voice on the other end called out. It was undoubtedly Grey, but his voice sounded more coarse and incoherent. Was he drunk?

"Grey, are you drunk?" I asked him, as he snorted on the other side.

"Nuuu, I'm just h-happy." He hiccupped, and I heard him whisper to someone that I was really stupid.

"I heard that, you jerk." I hissed angrily but he only started laughing more.

"Emma-rald don' be mad I was just callin' t' say -" his voice cut off and I heard him arguing with somebody. I waited impatiently for a response. After thirty seconds, I was about to hang up when an annoying voice came back to the phone.

"Emeral' " he shouted as my ears stung at his loud, raspy voice.

"Yes??" I yelled back. This guy was hitting a nerve.

"I was sayin' b'fore that I'm never gunna end our r'lationship..." he laughed into the phone and I glared, even though I knew he couldn't see my face.

"Not on my watch." I grumbled into the phone. I had to end the relationship, the jerk was getting way too much self-satisfaction from it.

"I'd like t' see ya try." Grey challenged.

I grinned. He would regret those words.

"Game on, Black."

Then a loud retching noise was heard, then some splattering of what I assumed to be vomit and lastly people yelling "Grey!"

It didn't take a genius to figure what had happened, so I quickly ended the call, my mind brewing a plan to end the fake-lationship once and for all. 

The Big, Bad BadboyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora