Chapter 2 - The Human Wall

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"See you at lunch!" I yell to Dee, who has turned around to walk to her lesson. She gives me a wave to say goodbye and I turn back to face what is in front of me.

Only as I do so, a human wall emerges for the second time today. Except this time, I collide with a back, not a chest. I begin to pray in my head that it isn't Grey Black because if it is he will undoubtedly kill me and feed my innards to his infamous pet snake, Gertrude. Apparently, he named his dangerous, human-eating python after his adorable grandma. Freaky, isn't it?

"What the heck?" A voice curses, as I look up to see a familiar head of jet black hair. Yes, folks I have just collided with Grey Black's back. And wow my rhyming skills have improved, but anyway, he is about to turn around and I am shaking.

"Sorry..." I whimper under my breath, my eyes on the floor.

Grey says nothing but lets out a sigh.

"I told you before to stay outta my way!" He cries out, tugging at his hair in anguish. I don't actually understand why he is so mad, I literally just walked into him.

"I said I'm sorry!" I reply, attempting to sound more confident and sassy, but in reality, I sound like a dying seal.

Grey looks like he is about to say something, but he restrains himself and walks away, clicking his tongue in distaste at me.

I let out a sigh of extreme relief. It was the second time today that I had encountered that riled up jerk and it was more annoying than frightening by this point. Like seriously, the dude needed to take a chill pill, he was such a drama queen.

I stroll to my first lesson of the day, good old Mathematics. They had reshuffled our classes for the second time this year which meant I knew literally no one in the class. As I walked into the room my eyes looked for a familiar face, or anyone I recognised, that would do me the honour of being my desk buddy. Then my eyes landed on the only familiar face I could find, and they turned cold at the very sight of him. Yes, sitting there in my new Maths class was Grey Black in all his artificial glory.

I cursed internally, this was terrible. Grey could get up and attack me more easily now and nobody hated him, so no one would stand up for me. My stomach began to turn as I hastily averted my eyes away from Grey and took a seat further up the room.

Thankfully he hadn't noticed me yet and I was hoping - not so secretly - that he would never notice me. I sat down in the desk and got out my stuff, ready for a very boring hour of maths. Then an unfamiliar voice sounded from next to me.

"Hey, can I sit here?"

I looked up to see a guy I had never seen before standing there. He was fairly tall with messy, rusty-brown hair and bright hazel eyes. He was pretty good looking, and he didn't seem like a douche-bag yet, so I nodded my head in response to his question.

"I'm Chris Green." He introduced himself, as I made a mental note to remember his name.

"Emerald Redbourne, but everyone calls me Emma." I told him, giving the guy a shy smile. He reciprocated it and it made me feel happy. Maybe this guy would be a good friend to me.

"So, Emma," Chris spoke in a low voice, "do you like maths?"

I shook my head immediately. On a list of things I would rather be doing on a Monday morning, trigonometry was at the very bottom, after doing the dishes and trust me, I hated doing the dishes.

"Maths sucks." I admitted, pouting to show him just how much I hated the subject. Yes, it really did bring me to tears.

Chris laughed from beside me.

"It's not that bad!" he replied, putting an arm around me and patting my shoulder.

I gave him a look to say that Maths really was that bad and that I didn't appreciate his arm, so he withdrew it and stared at the front of the class silently.

A teacher entered a moment later before either of us could say anything more.

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