Chapter 18 - Persuasive Techniques

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Just wondering, does anyone have any questions about this book? I would be happy to answer them :D

Thank you again for reading! 



"Ohhhh my god! Emmie, that dress looks so cute on you!!!" Heidi screamed at me, as I stepped out of the changing room.

She had made me try on this lowcut black lacy dress that was mid-thigh length. It had a partially open back too, making me doubly self-conscious. I looked positively hopeless in this.

Heidi thought otherwise and whipped out her phone, taking pictures of me as if she was the paparazzi.

I covered my face and started to back away.

"Heidi! I look hideous..." I muttered, about to go back into the changing room and get out of the stupid thing.

"Emma you look great!" Dee reassured me, a hand on my shoulder as she gave me a warm smile. I guess if Dee said it, it must be true. She didn't lie to me, not ever.

My eyes flitted to the guys who were sitting there awkwardly.

"Nice!" Steve remarked, giving me the thumbs up. I cringed, he looked like my dad.

I was about to head back into the changing room when Heidi attacked me, thrusting her mobile phone under my nose. It was the picture she had taken of me.

I guess I looked alright.

Heidi saw my satisfied expression and winked.

"We're buying it!" she announced happily, ushering me back into the changing room.

I changed back into my jeans and shirt, thinking about what the others had said earlier. Jeremy and Heidi and even Dee had made comments about Grey and I being a thing. Despite the fact I had told them it was all fake and that he was doing it for his own entertainment, they still thought he had some ulterior motive. They are wrong, I'm sure of it. He has hated my guts since day one.

I left the changing room holding the dress on its hanger in my hand.

"Let's goooo...." I ordered the others, who began to file out of the place.

Heidi skipped over to me.

"You know," she whispered, "Dee and I are both buying the same dress as you but hers is in purple and mine is blue!"

I gave her a faint smile. Twinsie-ing? What were we, a bunch of middle aged ladies in a bar?

"Nice!" I lied. She smiled before running back to Steve and Dee and teasing them about how cute they looked together.

"Hey Emma!" Jeremy piped up from next to me. This was his first time meeting Heidi, and since she had gone up to his best friend, he was probably feeling a little overwhelmed.

"Hey Jeremy! Heidi getting to ya?" I joked as he chuckled nervously.

"She's very... fun." He briefly remarked as I couldn't help but laugh at his hesitation. Heidi really was someone you needed to get used to.

We walked in silence for a bit until Jeremy spoke up again.

"Hey Emma, can I ask you for some advice?"

I turned to him to see his cheeks were a bit pink. That meant only one thing, he liked someone!

"Who do you like?" I asked him straight up as his eyes widened. Maybe he didn't realise how much of a giveaway his face was.

"W-what no..." he brushed off, avoiding my gaze.

I gave him a look that said "you're not fooling anyone, sunshine." He straightened up and pulled me over to a corner.

The others had disappeared in a shop, so we just waited outside.

"I-I like this girl but I don't know if she likes me..." Jeremy stuttered, his brown eyes on the floor as he adjusted his glasses.

"Well, does she talk to you a lot?"

Jeremy shrugged.

"A little I guess..."

"Has she ever joked about the two of you hanging out?"

Jeremy shook his head.

"I don't think she really likes me..." he trailed off.

"No!" I cut in.

Jeremy looked shocked by my sudden interjection.

"Don't give up hope, I'm sure I can find out for you in some way or another..." I reassured him, giving him one of those 'bro to bro' slaps on the shoulder.

"Who is she?" I continued but Jeremy went bright pink at the thought of his mystery crush.

"I can't help you if don't tell me..." I sang in a teasing tone.

"Okay fine..." Jeremy gave in, looking down at the floor.

"Her name," he started, as I saw his cheeks darkening, "is Lottie Pink."

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