Chapter 46 - The Inebriated Enemy

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Only four more chapters left!

So, do you think Emma will accept Grey's dare?

Read on to find out!

I had to do a double take. Did Grey Black just ask me to be his prom date?

I blinked rapidly, trying to pay no attention to Ruby sitting next to me, about to blow up from excitement.

Once my face had settled back into its original form, I looked up and gave Grey a smile.


Grey looked shocked.

"Why did you accept?" He was speaking faintly, as if he was out of breath. It was quite humorous to see such an authoritative figure lose his cool.

"It would be nice to have a date to prom. And I can just about tolerate you so I don't mind." I replied calmly, although my heart rate was rocketing.

Grey seemed satisfied with my answer and returned my prior smile.

"Crap." Ruby squeaked from next to me. "I broke the shot glass because I was squeezing it too hard."

I shook my head in disbelief. I know she was excited but seriously? Some people got too carried away.


"So, what colour is your prom dress?" Grey slurred, walking up the doorway of the kitchen and poking his head over it. I was washing up whilst he did this, interrupting my routine.

I was a little tipsy but Grey was half-drunk, there wasn't a doubt about it. We had dared him to take ten shots in a row and he had, hence his current state.

"It's dark blue." I told him this, but I was well aware that Grey wouldn't remember it by tomorrow.

"Bark due, okay..." He mumbled, brushing aside some of his hair.

I chuckled, thinking how cute he was when drunk. He was like a little kid, lost in the adult world and struggling to find his way- Wait, did I just call Grey cute?

It's the alcohol. I'm going to blame it on the alcohol.

"Grey, do you want anything to eat?" I asked this out of etiquette. If he ate anything, it would likely end up on the floor. I don't think my mother would appreciate that.


I turned around in horror, dropping my sponge and facing a seductive Grey, who was leaning against the doorframe with a smirk on his face.

"I want you, Emerald."

I felt my cheeks burn at his words. I know he's drunk, but he seemed so serious about what he was saying. Maybe he really does like me.

"I think you need to sleep." I changed the subject and Grey began to pout.

"Can I sleep in your bed?" He was clinging onto my arm, his head leaning against my shoulder. It felt warm.

"Sure. But I'm not joining you."

His face fell and his childish pout came out again.

"But I'll be lonely without you!" He complained, stomping his feet on the tiled floor. I winced, hoping that wouldn't leave a mark.

His words were actually semi-sweet but I didn't let them win me over.

"Sorry, I sleep alone or not at all." I told him firmly, leaving out my phase when I was 13, where I refused to sleep without a teddy bear. I turned back to the dishes and began to scrub.

There was a loud thump and I turned around, dreading what I was about to see.

Grey was slumped on the floor, drooling slightly with his eyes closed and his chest slowly rising and falling.

He had passed out from drunkenness.

I took out my phone and snapped a few pictures of him and a video before I decided to take action.

I crouched on the floor and shook him gently.

"Greeey?" I called into his ear. He stirred a little bit, and opened an eye.

"Emeral' "

His hand reached out to touch my face, his eyes meeting mine in the silence. I didn't look away, wanting to hear his eyes speak the next few words.

"I need to pee." 

I backed away immediately, springing back like the victim of a bee sting. I had honestly thought he was going to say something heartfelt. That guy had me fooled even when he was drunk.

"Come on." I muttered in annoyance, stretching my hand out to him. He accepted the hand after staring at it blankly for thirty seconds, and I escorted him to the toilet.


"Why are we even friends?"

It was registration the next day and I had just caught Dee up on everything that had happened. She was very annoyed that I'd kept her out of the loop. I just didn't want her to freak out, as she was clearly doing now.

"There is no doubt in my mind that Grey Black likes you, Emma." She continued, with a cheeky smile on her face. I didn't know what to think. He had asked me to prom, which seemed strange unless he liked me, but I tried to not jump to conclusions. He could just want a date and I was conveniently there.

"The whole prom thing was a dare, you know." I explained to Dee, but she was not buying it. Her head was moving from side to side frantically as she disagreed with me profusely.

"Why would he dare you to do that in the first place unless he wanted to be your date? Honestly, I think he does like you a lot more than you realise, so much so that he was nervous about properly asking you and used the truth or dare situation as an easy way out."

I shrugged. I suppose he had expressed some rather sweet things about me yesterday. You know what they say: "drunken actions but sober thoughts."

Dee leaned back in her chair.

"Do you like him?"

I felt like someone had ripped all my clothes off in one go. The question had me shocked. My palms felt clammy and uncomfortable, my chest was throbbing and my eyes were darting from side to side.

Grey was Grey. He was as irritating as a person could be but he was fun to be around. I did find him attractive, there was no doubt about that. Grey Black was insanely handsome. Anyone with eyes would agree with me. Whether I liked him or not? Well, I didn't really know.

I told Dee this and she looked disappointed.

"Emma, you'd better not break his heart."

Wow. Whose friend was she?

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