Chapter 34 - A Familial Arrival

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Yes, I'm introducing a new character this late into the book! How exciting!



I was at home, musing about the spa day tomorrow. After Grey's request to join us, I had been desperate to find someone to take Dee's place. I had approached Lottie during English and she was able to come, much to my relief. There was no way I would be taking Grey Black to the spa.

My phone buzzed, just as I felt my eyes growing heavy with sleep. Annoyed at the intrusion, I checked the goddamn device, wondering whether it was urgent.

Emerald, what time should I meet you guys at the spa?

It was Grey, who still had the cheek to invite himself to our spa day despite my constant rejections.

I began to type a message in response, fury coursing through my veins.

Grey, how many times do I need to tell you - you're not coming with us anywhere tomorrow!

I pressed send and a few seconds later, Grey had sent another message back.

But you have a spare voucher! I'm being a good person and saving your money.

I rolled my eyes. It would be a valid point except for the fact that we no longer had a spare.

I found someone to come with us. Your services are no longer needed.

I laughed at my own response. I sounded like a mafia boss, ordering him to death.

You always need my services.

Grey had texted back a rather suggestive message, with a winking face next to it.

I just rolled my eyes and sent him a middle finger emoji.

A few seconds later, he sent me back a broken-heart emoji.

I tried to contain my laughter, but it wasn't working.

"Hey, what's so funny?"

A tall figure was standing at my doorway, their hands on their hips as their face came into view.

It was my older sister, Ruby.

"Rubes!" I flung myself towards her, squeezing her tightly with my arms. Ruby chuckled from above me, ruffling my hair and hugging back.

"I missed you..." I mumbled into her clothes, and it was true, I really had.

"Believe it or not, I've missed you too. Uni has been driving me crazy."

We separated and I took a good look at her. It had been almost four months since I had seen her. Her raven hair was shorter than before, now reaching her shoulders. A pair of dark sunglasses were perched her head. If I hadn't known her personally, I would've thought she had just come back from a holiday.

"How is school going?"

I felt my innards sink at the question. I hated school. I don't know why everyone bothered asking that question.

"Still as boring as ever." I replied tonelessly.

Ruby sat down on the edge of my bed and I joined her.

"You do realise you have to work hard this year, Em? Or you won't get offers from any university." She chided jokingly, but I could sense the worry in her voice. I was a lazy student and she wanted me to do well, so there was a legitimate cause for concern there.

I nodded, promising to try harder.

"So, are you going to tell me his name or will I have to go through your phone?" Ruby demanded, giving me a pointed look as her eyes fell on my messages from Grey. Just what was she implying?

"Rubes, it's not like that. This guy is possibly the most annoying human being I've ever met. It's not what you think." I explained clearly, but Ruby was shaking her head before she snatched my phone.

She read over the messages and laughed. It was nice to be around her again, even if it was only temporary.

"This guy is clearly flirting with you!" Ruby cried out, slapping me on the back lightly. I backed away from her, a look of shock crossing my features. I faced her with an open mouth. Was she serious?

"No he's not!" I protested, taking back the phone and internally retching at the thought of Grey flirting with me.

"Emma, this guy clearly likes you." Ruby declared in a clear voice. Again, I was repulsed at her words.

"Where are you getting this crap from?" I looked her dead in the eyes and she shook her head.

"It's so obvious. Plus, he just sent you a shitload of texts because you didn't reply to his broken heart."

I rolled my eyes. That was just him being annoying, Ruby was reading way too much into things. I told her this but she was as stubborn as a mule, true to her opinion.

"Look at your texts if you don't believe me!"

I drew my phone out from my pocket reluctantly, opening up my conversation with Grey.


Are you in the shower or something?

Can I join?

I'm sorry, I didn't mean that.

I'm not a pervert, I swear!

I'm sorry, Emerald.

I couldn't help but smile at the texts. Grey Black was one confusing guy.

"Aha! You're smiling." Ruby pointed out, poking my cheek. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"So what? It was funny." I snapped back, and Ruby just raised an eyebrow, looking unconvinced.

"Ok Em, believe what you want but when you two end up making babies, I won't refrain from telling you I told you so."

I crossed my arms over my chest and rolled my eyes. She was just joking, obviously. Grey and I were friends at best, and that's all there was to our relationship.

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