Chapter 36 - Rivalry

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It's nearly Friday! How exciting :D



"Emma, I have something to tell you!" 

Jeremy came out of nowhere, leaping towards me as I stood there, unsure of how to react. Jeremy stopped before me, panting slightly. He bent over, clutching his knees with his hands.

I couldn't help but find this amusing. He really was all bone and no muscle.

"Oh wow Jeremy, you're incredibly unfit." I stated bluntly, chuckling a little. Jeremy stood up straight, trying hard to mask his heavy breathing.

"No, I'm not." He defended, a pout on his face. Within seconds, his face transformed. I think he'd remembered what he had to tell me.

"Oh my god Emma, guess what?" Jeremy placed his hands on my shoulders, shaking me repeatedly. I stepped back, overwhelmed by his good spirit.

"What is it?" I ask him, impatiently. This kid, although I was happy he was happy, was getting on my nerves.

"Lottie agreed to go on a date with me!" He exclaimed, jumping up and down. I let out a scream, so excited for him. This was amazing! Jeremy liked Lottie so much and now he finally had the chance to show it.

"OH MY GOD CONGRATULATIONS!" I shrieked like a banshee, enveloping him in a tight embrace. We stayed like that for a bit and I felt Jeremy smile into my shoulder. Bless him, he was over the moon.

"Emma, I'm so happy but I'm also nervous and twitchy. Sometimes, I struggle to breathe. This date has to be perfect. Oh god, what if I mess it up? What if I lose my chance with her-" Jeremy rambled on, his eyes growing wide as every bad thought echoed in his words.

I interrupted him by smacking a hand over his mouth.

"Jeremy! Calm down!" I ordered and he nodded, his face strained and anxious. I removed my hand and placed my hands on his shoulders, forcing his eyes to meet mine.

"You are going to be an amazing date, ok? You know Lottie so well and it is so obvious you like her. It doesn't matter where you go or what you do, I know you'll make a good impression. Just promise me you will stay calm, and when you're nervous, blow into a paper bag or something." I told him firmly. 

Jeremy agreed to my conditions and slumped onto the nearby lockers.

"Will you help me plan the date?" He looked up at me with large, pleading eyes and I couldn't say no.

"Of course." 


I was typing away at my keyboard, trying to find the perfect date location for Jeremy. That is, until Ruby decided to snoop.

"Are you asking Grey out on a date?" Her tone was one of shock and surprise, but nothing compared to the disgusted look etched on my face. 

I turned to face her, scowling.

"No, of course not." 

Then, without telling her what I was doing, I continued my mission.

Ruby was still standing there, her eyes musing over what I was doing. I could tell she wanted to know badly, but she was too stubborn to ask. No, she was trying to figure it out herself through the 'clues' on my screen. And me, well, I was too stubborn to tell her. I was amused by her blatant confusion.

"Are you going to leave?" I asked Ruby as I twisted my head round to see her scrutinising the words on my laptop's screen. She was firmly planted to the spot, showing no signs of defeat. 

"No, I'm fine where I am, thanks." Ruby replied snarkily, crossing her arms over her chest in annoyance. 

For the next ten minutes, neither of us said a thing. Then the doorbell rang. Ruby smirked and offered to get it. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. Just what was she playing at?

"Emerald Redbourne, when were you going to tell me about your date with Grey?!" The voice of a very angry Dee came from the bottom of the stairs. My head snapped back in fear of her rage. Then I realised I had no reason to be scared. She had clearly been misinformed by some idiot at school. Why they had done it was beyond my comprehension.

Dee pushed the my bedroom door open and faced me, her face red with anger.

"Well?" She was staring at me intensely, like a ticking bomb. 

"I'm not going on any date-" I explained, but she cut me off, her emotions exploding uncontrollably.

"You rejected him?" Dee cried out incredulously, her eyes wide in disbelief. "He must be heartbroken..." 

I stood up from my chair with my hands on my hips. This misunderstanding had to be resolved, right now.

"Listen here: Grey never asked me out on a date. I don't know who told you that, but they were wrong." 

Dee was silent before she darted to my computer, reading off the screen.

"Top ten places for a first date!" She looked back at me, her expression twisted with hurt. "Just tell me the truth!"

I sighed, unable to deal with all this confusion.

"It's not me who's going on a date! It's Jeremy!" 

Dee still didn't look convinced.

"I'm helping him find a place to take her." I continued, and Dee's face relaxed.

"Oh. So Rubes lied to me..." She thought aloud. Ruby did this? Why?

Ruby's head poked out from behind the doorway, a triumphant smile on her face.

"And that is how you find out information without giving in." 

Dee looked between the two of us, confused.

"Wow, so I got caught up in your sibling rivalry." 

Ruby laughed, ruffling Dee's hair slightly.

"I genuinely wanted to see you too, Dee. That's why I chose to text you out of her few friends. "

Dee and Ruby hugged and I glared at Ruby. She had just contrived all of that drama to get a small, irrevelant piece of knowledge from me, without asking. Sometimes I forgot she was an adult. Her behaviour was appalling.

"How long are you around for?" Dee asked Ruby, who began to think up a response.

"Oh, a fair bit of time." She replied, giving Dee a wide smile. 

"I'll be sure to drop by again then."  

Dee then turned to me, a sincere look crossing her face.

"Emma, even though I was angry because I thought you hid major life-changing stuff from me, I was really happy for you. The first thought that came to mind, after 'et tu Brute' was 'about time.'" 

I rolled my eyes. Why did everyone keep spouting the same nonsense? 

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