Chapter 28 - Duty

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What will the school think of Emma x Victor? 



I was late again on Monday. I guess my record of good attendance has gone down the drain. I arrived at my first period class, English, soaking wet.

"Miss Redbourne, what time do you call this?" My English teacher, Mr Borough reprimanded me, as his face went red with irritation. Oh boo-hoo, had I interrupted his boring-pupils-to-death session by a second? What a tragedy, it was definitely the end of the world.

"Sorry sir." I hastily muttered to him, doing the dreaded walk of shame to my desk. The heads of our entire class followed me and as usual, the whispers began.

"Is that who Victor Blue kissed the other night?"

"Did he go blind? She looks like a drowned rat..."

"She's making the school a slipping hazard."

I sat at my desk and gave evil glares to all the whisperers whose heads snapped back as I did so. They were cowards, honestly.

"Hey, do you need some tissues to dry up?" Lottie asked me, as she reached into her bag and pulled out her pocket tissues. I smiled at the gesture. It was nice to know there were some kind people in this school who didn't thrive on gossip and social hierarchy.

I thanked Lottie and took the tissues, wiping down my face and laying the others on the desk as I wrung my dripping hair.

Ten minutes later we were given discussion time and Lottie seemed eager to ask me something.

"Are you going out with Victor?"

I felt a smile creep onto my face, my eyes shining. 

"Yep," I confirmed, popping the 'p.'

The happiness I felt somehow transferred into Lottie's behaviour as she did a victory dance, raising her arms slightly as if she were a cheerleader. She could be so adorable sometimes!

"Awww I ship it! Victemma!" Lottie cried out happily, a bit louder than a whisper, resulting in a glare from Mr Borough.

"That's such a bad ship name..." I winced at the cringiness, shaking my head in disapproval. Lottie just smirked and we went back to focusing on the class.


"Hey Emma, can I sit with you guys?"

Victor had turned up at our table during lunchtime, a tray in his hand and a large smile on his face.

"..." Words failed to leave my mouth so Dee stepped in. 

"We'd love that." She gave him a welcoming smile, gesturing to an empty space.

Victor sat down happily and faced around with a curious expression over his face.

"Sorry to intrude, but who are you all? " He asked, genuinely interested in knowing everyone. " We didn't get to meet properly at my party the other night..." He added as a regretful side comment.

I took this as my cue to introduce everyone and cleared my throat in the most lady-like fashion possible.

"This is Jeremy Hazel," I gestured to the ginger guy next to me as he gave a quick wave, "And these two are Steve Gold and Dee White." I wavered my hand over the couple-to-be and turned back to Victor who was nodding in understanding.

"Nice to meet you all! I'm Victor Blue." Victor placed a hand on his chest and emitted positivity from his glowing smile.

"So Emma, how has your day been so far?" Victor leaned forward, his soft grey eyes scrutinising my face.

"Not bad, what about you?" I felt uneasy since the others had stopped their conversation and were not-so-subtly listening to our own private one.

"Yeah it was fine. I wonder whether you..." he rubbed the back of his neck, inhaling slowly, "you wanted to go on a date this weekend." 

I blushed a little at the mention of a date. I could tell he was nervous too, but once our eyes met, my worries disintegrated. 

"I would love that." I spoke calmly, and I heard the others "aww" around me. My eyes turned to their faces, glaring at them for eavesdropping on our conversation. They diverted their attention, afraid of my steely gaze. Victor was seemingly oblivious to this, caught up in the excitement of our date.

"Cooool! I would tell you what I have planned but that would be a surprise." He whispered the last word for emphasis, raising his eyebrows to enhance my anticipation. 

Victor glanced at his watch and back at me, frowning slightly. A look of anger had crossed his face, but it dissolved into an apologetic one as he looked back up at me. 

"I have a football committee meeting now, I'm so sorry Emma. I will text you!" He promised, getting up and put a hand on my shoulder. 

He gave it a small squeeze before taking his hand away and waving to us, walking away.

"Bye..." I called after him, my excitement dissipating into the air as my boyfriend left my presence. I know it was incredibly selfish of me, but I really wanted him to stay. 

"Earth to Emma!"

A hand was waving in front of my face.

Dee's hazel eyes were on my face, as she looked concerned at my growing sadness. 

"Emma, what's wrong?" 

Steve and Jeremy tuned into our discussion, their interest peaking as they heard the concern in Dee's tone. 

I shook my head, it was nothing. Victor cared about me and that was enough. I wasn't going to be one of those clingy side-chicks that held onto their boyfriends every second of their lives. Victor was dedicated to sport and I admired that. Whether I liked it or not, it was time for me to accept that. It was a part of who he was, and therefore it was part of our relationship.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little nervous about my date with Victor." I lied, and the guys nodded in understanding. Dee saw through my lie, a frown appearing on her face. She assumed I didn't want to talk about it in public and played along with my lie. 

"Don't worry Emma, we've got your back." She reassured me, placing a warm hand in the crook of my shoulder. 

I knew she was just playing along, but I could sense the sincerity of her words. She was there for me and I would be stupid to forget it. 

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