Chapter 21 - Taking Chances

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So, no more Grey and Emma! Are you sad? Did you expect them to stay together?

Enjoy this chapter!



At lunch, after everyone had freaked out about my breakup with Grey, things were back to normal. Steve and Dee were deep in conversation and Heidi was at her prefect duty, so I decided to talk to Jeremy about my little investigation.

"Jeremy, I did some digging!" I announced proudly, and he shushed me.

"The others might hear!" he whispered, and I rolled my eyes.

"Ok, ok calm down..."

Jeremy sighed and leaned forward.

"What did you find out?" he interrogated me as his face brightened, "Does she like me?"

I felt guilt swallow me whole. I was about to crush his dreams.

"Jeremy..." I began, my tone sympathetic. He caught onto this and his face crumbled into misery.

"Who I am kidding, I bet she hates me..." Jeremy muttered sadly.

"No!" I yelled suddenly, and Dee and Steve snapped their heads towards us.

"What's up Emma?" Dee asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing, you two lovebirds can go ahead and resume your conversation."

Dee went pink and turned to Steve.

"Don't listen to her," Dee mumbled before they continued talking.

I turned back to Jeremy.

"Lottie is lovely, I don't think she has the capacity to hate anyone. But she isn't like most girls. You have to be really sweet and really stand out for her to notice you." I advised him in a low voice.

He gave me a silent nod and looked back to his food, barely touching it with his fork.

"Jeremy, don't lose hope, ok? I promise I will help you win her over!"

Jeremy gave me a warm smile.

"Thanks a lot Emma," he looked up from his food, "How are you handling your breakup?"

I sighed. He was really taking the piss.

"Shut up." I muttered under my breath.

My eyes went wide when I thought about what had happened after the breakup in Maths.

"Do you know, since Maths, at least a hundred people have come up to me about it? Doesn't this school have anything better to do than spread meaningless gossip?" I grumbled, crossing my arms in irritation.

Jeremy chuckled and shrugged.

"This is why you don't date a bad boy, Emma..." he explained, and I gave him a deathly glare.

"He dated me!" I hissed.

Jeremy backed away at my furious expression.

"Anyway, so what actually happened?"

"I finally won! I managed to set up the perfect break-up scenario and Grey actually respected me for it." I replied, proudly.

Jeremy seemed impressed at what I had done.

"How is Grey taking the break-up?"

I scoffed, was he being serious?

"Jeremy, you do realise that we weren't actually together, right?" I was getting a little worried for his sanity.

Jeremy rolled his eyes.

"Just saying, Grey Black is human like the rest of us, and who knows, you might have broken his heart!"

I said nothing and gave him a blank stare.

"He doesn't have a heart." I replied as Jeremy gasped.

"Damn Emma. Grey's going to need some aloe vera for that burn." Jeremy muttered. I gave him a vicious glare and he looked away, afraid.

I laughed eventually, and once my laughter subsided, I turned to Jeremy, a serious look on my face. My eyes gestured to Steve and Dee as my hands rubbed together cunningly.

"Let's make a bet, how many days until they get together?"


After school, Dee had ditched me for Steve. Apparently, he had invited her to his house to "study." I knew what that meant, and obviously, I wasn't going to stand in the way of my favourite couple. So here I was, walking back from school, alone. I was on my phone, my only friend in my times of solitude, and was not really looking where I was going. Unfortunately, I walked right into a hard human.

Apologising profusely, I looked up at a good-looking face. It was Victor Blue, the guy who had caused all the suffering I experienced for the last two weeks.

"Emma! Hello there!" He greeted cheerfully, stepping back from me so I could clear my head.

"Victor..." I stated tonelessly, not really in the mood for his degrading comments. I began to walk away when he called after me.

"Emma, I want to apologise for the way I treated you that day."

I stopped yet again and faced him. His expression was sincere, his tone free of malice or mockery. I gestured with my hand for him to elaborate.

"I guess I'm not very good at expressing my feelings. When you sat next to me, I thought you were really pretty, and I wasn't sure how to react. And well, I wasn't surprised that you were Grey's girlfriend, but that Grey had a girlfriend. He has never settled down with a girl before, so this seemed incredulous to me."

I found myself a little moved at his words. He thought I was pretty?

"Okay Victor, apology accepted." I told the guy, who sighed in relief after I had said this. He gave me a warm smile and opened his mouth.

"Thanks Emma."

There was a moment of silence until Victor had a bright idea.

"Hey, there's a new coffee shop that just opened on the high street. Do you fancy a cup?"

I chuckled at how smooth he was being. He really was the type of guy that was a hit amongst the ladies.

I debated his request. Maybe I had overreacted all those weeks ago. Maybe it was time to give Victor a chance.

I cleared my throat and Victor looked up, expectantly.

"I have made my decision," I declared suddenly, and his eyes shone with anticipation.


"Sure, let's go."

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