Chapter 44 - Tension

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We only have 6 chapters left! Are you sad? I'm sad. I don't want to stop writing :(

Is anyone interested in some extra chapters once the book is finished? Let me know if you are. I would be more than happy to write some.

Thank you as usual :)



"Hello Emerald."

Grey sat next to me, and I noticed how he had a line of stubble emerging on his jawline. His eyes found my own curious ones.

"Why are you looking at me like you want to eat me?" Grey asked the rather unusual question with a tone of amusement.

I furrowed my brow. I wasn't looking at him like that! I was just observing his face.

"I don't want to eat you, get over yourself. I'm just observing your face."

Grey looked like he didn't believe me. Of course, the smug asshat wanted to believe that I was in love with him or something ridiculous like that.

"So observer, what did you see?" He mocked, gesturing to his face with a finger.

"You have a pair of eyes and a nose and a mouth. Oh and eyebrows." I played along and Grey started to laugh.

"Ok, you've described my face objectively. Now describe it more subjectively. What is your honest opinion of my face?"

In all honesty, it was a pretty mindblowing face. Grey was quite the attractive guy, with a sharp jawline and messy dark hair sprawling across his head. His eyes were a sharp blue, making him unforgettable. But I wouldn't tell him any of that. Obviously.

"I give it a 4." I concluded, pretending to look over his features properly.

Grey frowned.

"A 4? Out of 5?"

I shook my head.

"Out of 10."

Grey pouted, his blue eyes growing in size as he pumped fake tears into them.

"You're a meanie!" He accused me, in a squeaky 'baby' voice. I patted the top of his head condescendingly.

"There, there. I'm sure some other girl will give you a 10." I reassured but Grey straightened up, shaking his head.

"Not interested." He stated blankly.

I didn't question his statement, but I was confused. Isn't that the only reason he dated girls? To boost his ego?

"Would you like me to assess your face now?" Grey asks, leaning closer.

I shrugged.


I tried not to look at his expression as his eyes flitted over my face. All in all, I felt quite uncomfortable and nervous. I didn't want to know what he was thinking.

Grey backed up after a minute or two.

"I'd say a 5."

I rolled my eyes.

"Wow. I feel honoured." I responded sarcastically.

"You should," Grey spoke seriously, his eyes fixed on mine, "it's out of 5."

I didn't know what to say. For some reason, I felt warm inside at his words. Was he being honest or just joking? I couldn't tell so I said nothing, avoiding his gaze.

"Now, do you want to change your answer?"

Ah, the real Grey was showing himself now.

"Nope." I stuck my tongue out at him and he just chuckled, before we resumed our work.


"We're going prom dress shopping!" Dee cried out, looping her arm through mine, after ambushing me outside of the school building.

"I don't think I'm going..." I told her, even though I did want to go. The thing was, because all my friends were in relationships, they would want to spend prom with each other. I would be the loneliest 7th wheel known to mankind.

Dee looked at me as if I'd told her the world was ending.

"Emerald Redbourne, don't you dare tell me that you're not going to prom! You love getting dressed up and going out!" Dee scolded me, her eyes going red as she did so.

I raised my palms up in defence.

"I'm just not feeling it," I stated, cringing at my own words. I sounded like an antisocial teenager going through a rebellious phase.

Dee facepalmed.

"Emma, are you doing drugs?"

"What!?" I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air. I say I don't want to go to prom and she assumes I'm doing drugs? Just how crazy was my best friend?

"You seem so irritated and anti-social. This isn't you, Emma." She started, studying my eyes and continuing before I could refute her nonsense. "Don't worry, I'm here for you, I know the perfect rehabilitation centre for you. I just can't believe you didn't come to me about this! Drugs are really bad for you, Emma!" Dee started to tear up, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.

"OH MY GOD, STOP!" I yelled out, placing my hand over her mouth. Dee looked at me, stunned at my sudden outburst.

"Dee, I'm not doing drugs." I clarified and she looked unsure, probably thinking I was in denial. "If you want to know the truth, it's that I would feel left out at prom. Everyone in our group of friends is in a relationship. I just don't see the point of coming to prom if I'm going to be a 7th wheel."

Dee smacked my hand off her mouth.

"Emma, how could you think that? We love hanging out with you! Ok? maybe you won't be able to dance with all of us for the slow songs, but we're your friends and we're not going to cut you out or anything!" She was shaking her head in disbelief that I had thought what I did.

"Now I wish you were on drugs..." Dee muttered as an afterthought.

The air had cleared between the two of us and Dee, having composed herself, gestured for me to follow her.

"Now come on, we need to find dresses! There's a sale on in that shop you like, let's start there."

I let her drag me along, the uncertainty in my mind quelled, for now.

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