Chapter 15 - The Enemy's Ex

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I'm still craving the Belgian chocolates that Lottie gave Emma. Anyway, brace yourself for another appearance from everyone's famous popular kid - Violet Groves.



It was finally the lesson I had been dreading: Maths. Luckily, I had no Spanish today because I sure as hell found it hard to put up with a single dose of Grey Black, let alone a double whammy. The guy was so annoying that I wanted to crush him with my bare hands until he burst. But enough of my sadistic tendencies, I have to face the music.

I entered Maths to have the entire class swarm me like a cloud of bees, encircling me and questioning me. Where were my shades and disguise when I needed them? This felt a lot like paparazzi. Now I feel slightly sympathetic towards celebrities.

"Is it true that you and Grey are going out?"

"Have you done it yet?"

"Grey has never had a proper girlfriend before, do you feel special?"

"Are you in love?"

I just stood there, rendered speechless by all this unwanted attention. It was amazing how the tables could turn so quickly in high school. You could go from a nobody to a somebody in seconds, you just needed the right connections and whole lot of hearsay.

I prayed for a miracle. I didn't want to talk to anyone. And from a quick look around the classroom I noticed that Grey wasn't there.

Funny enough he was the person I sought help from in this situation, for once he could be my way out. But for once in his life, his absence was a problem.

"Everyone shut up!" a commanding female voice boomed and the whole crowd went silent as six-inch heels clacked across the floor. The circle of people around me divided to make a line for the person to walk through. Just as I was about to thank my lucky stars for this god-given miracle, my smile turned upside down.

Before me stood the Queen Bee Bitch, Violet Groves. She pertained to her usual appearance, being half naked, with booty shorts and a mesh crop top that left little to your imagination. Her face however was a mask, a thick layer of makeup that prevented one from seeing her true beauty, that is if she actually had any, but my suspicion was that she was as ugly on the outside as she was on the inside. And trust me, she was hideous on the inside.

"You little whore." she spat in my face, holding my collar up and looking me dead in the eyes.

I stayed calm and allowed her to continue as the crowd around us watched intently.

"You stole my boyfriend from me!" Violet hissed as her eye twitched so much that her false eyelashes threatened to fall off. I put a fist in my mouth to stifle the giggle that was created by noticing this.

Violet wasn't as stupid as she seemed and observed my behaviour, immediately thinking me to be mocking her.

"Do you think this is funny?" she asked me, her tone disbelieving and shocked. She was acting like a teacher, it was semi-amusing.

"It was your eyelash," I explained, "or rather the plastic ones you pass off as your own. It was about to bungee jump off your eyelid."

The crowd around us chuckled as Violet's face went red.

"Shut up!" she yelled at them before turning to me with a glare.

Her glare soon melted into a pout.

"Do my eyelashes look that bad?" She asked in a whiny voice.

I shrugged.

Violet said nothing but walked away, her head bowed down and heels clacking weakly across the floor.

I let out a deep breath as the crowd scattered. Then I came face to face with my absent "boyfriend", Grey Black.

"Nice of you to turn up," I remarked as Grey smirked, looking at Violet and then back at me.

"You know, girlfriend, it's a bit mean to comment on a girl's appearance, they can be very insecure about these things." Grey mockingly scolded me, as we walked to our desk.

I sat beside him, my arms crossed. I must have been dreaming to think this jerk would be my saviour. Aw hell no, he would be the opposite. Once a pain in the arse, always a pain in the arse.

"Grey," I whispered, once the lesson had started, "Why are you doing this? What did I do to you?"

Grey turned to me, his blue eyes staring deeply into mine. He edged closer, so that our faces were merely inches apart.

I narrowed my eyes at him, my fists readied and instincts prepared for anything he might do. His eyes flitted to my lips and I slowly backed away. Was he going to kiss me?

Just as I was about to brace myself for a kiss, Grey whipped out his index finger and placed it to his lips.

"Shush! I'm trying to work!" he told me off, before turning back to his half-completed worksheet.

I rolled my eyes. Well, he was helpful. Now I know nothing about why he is doing what he is doing. 

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