Chapter 3 - Public Enemy No.1

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I hope this chapter resonates with any high school/school goers around. I for one, wrote this from experience. Seating plans are the worst!



"Hello everyone, I am Mrs Jenkins and I will be your Mathematics teacher for the rest of your time here at Colebrook Academy," she explained, as everyone around me groaned in annoyance. Great, Grey Black and Creepy Chris would be in my Maths class for the rest of the time I had left in this stupid school.

Mrs Jenkins turned on the interactive whiteboard to reveal something that none of us had ever seen before in our time at this school. Something so horrible, so dangerous and so vile that it made us sick to the stomach. On Mrs Jenkins' whiteboard was every student's worst nightmare: the dreaded seating plan.

"Oh no..." Chris moaned from next to me. I reckon he was only upset because he might have to sit elsewhere and make friends with someone else he could creep the hell out of.

"Now everyone, when I press enter the seating plan will appear. I expect you all to sit in the seat on which I have written your name. If you try and argue with me or complain abour it I will give you an automatic detention." Mrs Jenkins warned us, as a cold glare emitted from her previous soft brown eyes. I shuddered, why was every teacher in this school so scary?

The enter key was pressed and our fate decided.

My eyes scanned the diagram, looking for "Emma." Oh yeah, silly me, the teacher would probably use my full name, so I should be looking for "Emerald" instead. Then I saw it. My name was written over a desk in the back right corner of the classroom. But the name next to it was enough to make me change not just seats but schools. For I had been condemned to sit next to none other than Grey Black a.k.a public enemy No.1.

I felt tears of misery welling up in my eyes. How could life be so cruel? First, I bump into the guy twice, and now I have to bump into him again but in a less literal sense, and it was all down to stupid Mrs Jenkins and her poxy seating plan.

I dragged my feet along the ground lazily, hoping I could trip over and go to the nurse's office and just avoid this whole mess. But no, when I wanted the universe to help me, it did the opposite. It delivered to me a jerk-sized dose of Grey Black in the flesh.

Sighing heavily, I sat down at the seat and saw Grey sitting beside me, the same peeved look on his face. He turned his head to face me with a scowl. His expression was actually quite offensive. Grey looked like he was utterly disgusted at the sight of me, as if I was eating a human alive and forcing him to watch. I didn't understand why he hated me so much. Ok, maybe I didn't "stay outta of his way" or whatever, but still, the guy barely knows me and acts as if I'm horse poop.

The two of us sit there in silence whilst Mrs Jenkins allows everyone to have some "bonding time," basically her excuse for sitting at her computer and going on Netflix. The whole class was talking amongst themselves whilst we just sat there, ignoring each other and we were genuinely not bothered by the silence.

That is until a random bitch decided to interrupt the peace. This bitch was the famous Violet Groves, the most repulsive girl I have ever heard about. She is renowned for sleeping with anything that moves, boys, girls and even her cousin. Just joking about the last one, it was only a rumour. But anyway, there she is, wearing her tight leather skirt and woollen crop top whilst her long golden hair swishes from side to side, knocking anyone who stands near her out of the way.

Violet strides up to me and Grey, a malicious twinkle in her deep green eyes.

"Grey baby," she drawls, running her manicured fake nails through his messy hair, "is this basic bitch bothering you?"

Her eyes meet mine and she glares daggers at me. I look away, afraid of what she will do to me. Those fake nails, despite their apparent fragility, were weapons and would undoubtedly hurt a lot when sunk into one's skin. Perhaps they could even draw blood! I really wanted to say something back to Violet, like a snide comment about her fake tan or fake nails or her fake personality, but she was dangerous and could ruin me in seconds. Reluctantly, I bit down my lip and turned away from her.

"She is basic, isn't she?" Grey agreed, his arm snaking around Violet's waist to bring her closer to him. She was sitting on his lap now, her arms looped around his neck. I cringed at their closeness, praying they wouldn't start kissing or I would need a bathroom break to throw up.

Violet began to kiss Grey's neck, her hands trailing down to his chest and slowly moving up and down. I felt sick.

The worst thing was that Mrs Jenkins hadn't even noticed. No, she was too busy catching up on television to stop two students from inducing physical sickness, and possibly trauma, upon another.

I stood up, my chair scratching against the floor as I pushed it back. This was getting too touchy for my liking.

Grey turned his head in surprise at my sudden movements.

"What's your problem?" Violet sneered, breaking away from Grey's grasp and facing me.

I decided to just tell her the truth.

"All this," I responded, gesturing to her and Grey, "Is making me feel sick."

Violet's eyes darkened as she scowled at me.

"Just go and throw up and leave us alone!" she hissed, flinging herself at Grey.

Grey didn't however take her into his arms. Instead he pushed her away. I was stunned at his upfrontness. He quite literally pushed away those he had no interest in.

"Violet, let's call it a day." He grumbled, his arms folded firmly across his chest.

Violet was shocked, as she stood there, struggling to balance her feet on her six-inch heels. Her eyes snapped over to me and she screwed up her face in disgust.

"This is your fault, you piece of crap!" she yelled furiously at me before storming off, her heels clacking against the wooden floor.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction, before sitting back down in my chair, triumphant. 

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