Chapter 43 - Secrets

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Hello everyone!

I have recently contracted tonsilitis, which is not remotely fun to have. If I don't update, that's probably why. I hope you are all well.

Thank you for reading as usual!


I could barely sleep at night. My mind was battling the idea of - well I don't even want to say it - developing feelings for Grey Black. I hadn't. At the cinema, he was irritating to be around and I didn't like him then. I suppose afterwards the night became more enjoyable. We were talking like normal friends do, instead of insulting each other every five seconds. Maybe that's what this was! Finally, a logical explanation was making its way into my brain. I had finally become friends with Grey.

With that thought putting my mind to ease, I drifted off into a deep sleep.


"Emerald Redbourne!"

I was entering school when a voice called after me, their tone urgent and agitated.

Heidi was standing behind me, her face filled with pain. Her eyes were dulled of emotion and her arms were crossed tightly over her body.

"What's wrong?" I immediately walked over to comfort her but she stepped back, not allowing me to try.

Had I done something to upset her?

"What did I do?" I asked both her and myself, thinking about everything I had done recently.

Then alarm bells started ringing in my head. Of course, she must've found out about Grey and I going to the cinema together.

"You and Grey are dating and you didn't tell me!" Heidi snapped furiously, a frown firmly planted on her face.

I shook my head, hoping to avoid a misunderstanding.

"No, no, it was just an outing as friends." I clarified and Heidi looked uncertain. It was quite humorous that this was the second time that this exact situation had come about.


I nodded.

"I owed him one so he dragged me along to see a film he wanted to watch."

It was true. That is what had happened.

Heidi studied my face before giving me a comfortable hug.

"I'm sorry, Emmie. I just feel left out of the group sometimes because I always have commitments when you guys hang out. And to think that you had kept something like this from me, made me quite upset." Heidi admitted and I stared at her with wide eyes. She felt left out? How could she? Heidi was always the centre of attention in our group, nobody would ever isolate her. So why did she think that?

"Hey, listen here. You are just a part of the group as everyone else! Don't ever think otherwise." I squeezed her tightly in my arms and Heidi smiled at the gesture. It was good to see her Heidi-ness return. It felt normal.

"I'll see you later, Emmie! Give Grey Black my regards!" Heidi quickly mentioned, before taking off.


"How was your weekend with Grey?" Jeremy casually asked me, his face donning a look of intrigue and curiosity. He hadn't implied anything, which was good, so I was willing to reply.

"The movie sucked but that was ok because we could rant about it afterwards. Also I rode Grey's motorcycle-"

"WHAT!? You rode Grey Black's motorcycle!?" Jeremy stood up from his chair, slamming his hands on the table in front of him. People turned to look at me and began to whisper quietly.

Jeremy realised and sat down, guilt crossing his face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell, I just can't believe it! You rode on his motorcycle! He totally likes you-"

"Jeremy. Don't say that." I cut in sternly and Jeremy rolled his eyes.

"Emma! He doesn't even let his best friends on that motorcycle. Why would he let you on unless he liked you?"

I paid no attention to his words and shrugged. His 'facts' were the product of hearsay and rumours, so I wasn't going to let them taint my thoughts about Grey.

"Look, you don't know anything for sure. This school spreads a lot of crap." I told him truthfully, and he gave in, sighing exasperatedly.

"If Lottie was here, she would say the same thing." Jeremy claimed, and I only just realised that Lottie wasn't eating with us.

"Oh, where is she?" I asked Jeremy, my mind only just putting its pieces together.

"On a trip to a museum. It's for any History students."


At that very moment, Dee and Steve sat down on the table and they both looked excited.

"Prom is only 4 weeks away!" They chanted happily.

Time had gone so quickly that I'd forgotten all about prom and my exams, which were a few weeks after it.

Great, this meant that I needed to get two things quickly. A dress and a date.

"Why are you two so excited?"

"Because we get to go together, obviously!" Dee stated this as if I was totally ignorant.

"Is that it...?" I was a little disappointed, they looked much too happy to just be excited about each other.

Dee shook her head, grinning evilly.

"There is something else, a bet." She responded vaguely and Jeremy groaned beside me. I assume he knows what bet this might be.

"Great, I'm going to fund your prom dress, aren't I, Dee?" Jeremy complained, burying his face in his hands. What had they bet on and why was Jeremy losing so much money?

"What is the bet?" I interrupted the unfolding chaos to get my question answered.

They all turned to me and then looked away quickly.

"Sorry Emma, we can't tell you. But don't worry, it's a good thing."

I glared at them all, not understanding why they couldn't tell me. I hated secrets, and hated them doubly when kept from me. It made me overly paranoid.

But I suppose I had to wait this one out. There was no other way.

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