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"I thought we would never get there". Jace said after nearly four hours of travel, and finally arrived at the hotel.

"You will rest later. Now we have to go". Alec said throwing at Jace a military-suit all as a disguise. Once they got dressed and took everything they needed, they took the car again, went to the military base.

"Card, please". One of the military asked when Alec arrived at the base. Alec handed him both his and Jace's.

"Make them pass". The soldier told the one who had to raise the bar. When Alec and Jace entered the base they looked around.

"Like old times". Jace smiled at Alec who smiled back.

"Let's move the room is this way". Alec said starting to walk at a normal pace with Jace.

"Fuck careful". Alec said hiding him and Jace behind a wall.

"They're already here". Alec whispered and leaned over a little, seeing a group of six people in military suit, and hats on their head, and they were working on the lock of the room.

"As soon as they open it we attack". Alec whispered and the boys stayed there until one of the six mercenaries managed to open the door. The boy who had opened the lock was about to enter, but one of his mates stopped him.

"I'm going". The boy who had opened the lock began to argue, and Alec signaled to Jace to go. Alec came behind one of the mercenaries, and made the move he had taught Max. He climbed on top of him and put his legs around his head and broke his neck with his hands. When another mate heard the sound of a falling body he turned and Alec gave him no time to realize what was happening that he took the mercenarie by the shoulders, kicked him in the stomach and took the gun and shot him. The other three began to clash with Alec and Jace, but the boy who had opened the door, entered the room and took the briefcase that was inside, and ran away.

"ALEC THE CODES". Jace screamed as he punched one of the mercenaries. Alec looked at the boy who had reached the end of a ladder and was leaving.

"Fuck." Alec said and started climbing the ladder. Once he reached a top he opened the door that led to the roof of the building and saw the boy running. Alec began to run after him, and when he ran so fast that he got behind him he jumped on him and knocked him to the ground. The briefcase fell a bit far from them. Alec got up to pick it, but the boy took him by the foot and dropped him.

The boy took the case, and when he turned Alec threw him a fist but he dodged putting his briefcase in front of his face. From there they began to fight, Alec began to punch the boy who dodged with the briefcase, then the boy kicked Alec's head, which to dodge he lowered and punched the boy's stomach. The boy backed away, but then he composed himself, starting to punch Alec, who managed to dodge. Alec then took advantage of another kick that the boy missed his head to placate his stomach and drop it on the ground, making his hat fly away. The briefcase always went away but this time Alec wanted to finish it first. But only when he took the gun and pointed it at the boy's head he looked into his eyes and stopped.

"You aren't one of the mercenaries". Alec said in amazement, looking into the boy's chocolate-colored eyes.

"No". The boy said without a break looking at the gun in front of him. Alec lost himself in the beauty of that boy's face, and he did not know why this had to happen right now, these aspects had never interested him.

"So you are an infiltrator... Who are you? Who do you work for?". Alec said pressing the gun on the boy's forehead. The boy grinned.

"These aren't things that interest you, just know that we're on the same side". The boy said and put his legs around Alec's hips and took the gun in his hands, taking the situation upside down. Now it was the boy who was aiming the gun at Alec's forehead, and paused for a moment to stare at him. The two boys looked in each other's eyes for a while, but then the boy got up from Alec and still pointing the gun at him he went to get the briefcase. Alec got up from the ground, and the boy always pointing him with the gun went to the edge of the roof.

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