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"MAXXX WE ARE AT HOME". Alec said when he and Jace crossed the front door. It was three o'clock in the afternoon and Alec had a smile on his face. He had managed to steal the codes from the bastard, but the thing that pissed him off was that when he was touching him, his heart was going to a thousand and couldn't understand why.

"ALECCC". Max screamed coming from the salon and hugged his brother.

"Why didn't you wake me when you left?" Max asked and hugged Jace too.

"You know why, and now it's better to party, another successful mission". Alec said and went to the kitchen.

"I would have paid to see his face when he arrived in London, he opened his suitcase and couldn't find anything". Jace said after he and Alec told Max everything.

"Me too, I think it was a real disappointment." Alec said and his phone rang.

"Hello... we came back... yes, with a little problems but everything went well... Jace will bring you the codes shortly, when Max comes to train... he will give you the relationship". Alec said and hooked up the phone.

"Why don't you come, we have to train". Max asked Alec.

"Today I will let you train with Jace so at least you beat someone". Alec said, triggering Max's laughter.

"Oh, listen to the young gentleman: I'm so attached to him that I know how to draw him". Jace laughed with Max while Alec gave him a homicidal look.

"Come on, see you tonight". Alec said and hugged the boys who left. When Alec found himself alone in the house he went upstairs to his room and decided to take a quick shower so that he could prepare food for everyone and go to sleep to recover some strength. When he found himself in the shower with the water running down on him, he thought of Magnus, and this was really making him angry, he couldn't get him out of his head. His body under his hands, his voice, his lips, as he blushed when Magnus told him he could stay a little longer with his hands on his front pockets. Alec slapped himself.

"Stop that". He said aloud to himself and left the bathroom. He ran a towel through his wet hair and put on a pair of pajama trousers. He usually preferred not to wear his hoodie because he liked to dry his hair naturally while doing something else. Alec was about to leave the bathroom when he heard a noise. He raised his hand from the handle and slowly lowered himself to take the pistol he had under the sink cabinet, as in every other room. When he took it he opened the door and aimed the gun in front of him. There was no one in his room, so he decided to go downstairs. The noise repeated, and Alec put his finger on the trigger. He went down the stairs and without turning on the light went to the living room. He saw the window open, and immediately went to close it.

'Fuck the alarm'. Alec thought and ran a hand through his hair looking out.

"It is really a pleasure to see you, pretty boy". A voice behind him said and Alec couldn't believe it.

"I can't say the same, Bane." Alec turned quietly and the light in the room lit up, showing Magnus Bane in his living room leaning against the wall near the light switch. Alec stared at Magnus with a look that didn't convey feelings, although the heart inside his chest was beating like never before, and this thing gave him a big annoyance.

"Oh I see that we have no good manners, but in the end I should have already understood from the fact that you are a thief". Magnus said, walking quietly and going to sit on the sofa.

"I didn't steal anything I simply took what I went to Washington for." Alec said not moving from the window.

"Mmm... I have to say that the idea of the controller was really good, and that's why I congratulate you, but now give me back what is mine". Magnus said, looking at his nails.

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