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There was silence in the house, the only light that was there came from the cinema room. Max, Raphael and Simon had recently gone to sleep, saying that it was late, Alec and Jace wouldn't be back.

Magnus had the pleasure of spending three days with Simon and Raphael and had to say that they had immediately become friends. Simon was the fun guy you never got bored with, he had forced everyone to see a whole movie saga, and they all had fun commenting and throwing popcorn at each other. Raphael, on the other hand, was the coldest, most closed, reserved type who did not participate much. But with Simon's astonishment, he has become friends with Magnus by dropping his coldness and they had trained a lot together, sometimes fighting against Max and Simon. Said by Simon, Raphael wasn't really like that, just Simon had had the pleasure to see the real Raphael.

That night they had watched some movies until half past one in the morning, but when Max had fallen asleep Simon and Raphael had suggested to go to sleep, and that Alec and Jace would be back tomorrow morning. Magnus had refused to believe that, and had simply said he would continue to watch the movie. But he was doing something else. His mind was in a completely different place, and the only thought that was there was reserved for only one person. Alec.

He hadn't thought for a second about the idea of the bet he and Alec had made. The only thing he could think of was how Alec was. If he was hurt, if he had been caught, if he was...

Magnus drove that thought out of his mind at once, and he simply thought that maybe he would really come back tomorrow.

'But if he came back tomorrow he would have told you already'. Said a little voice in his head, and immediately chased it away. He got up from the sofa and looked at the clock. It was 3 in the morning, Magnus came to the conclusion to let it go and to not think much about it, a little rest would make him feel good. Reluctantly he took the remote control and turned off the giant TV screen.

'If he's really well and he'll come back tomorrow why he hasn't answered at the goodnight message'. Magnus thought, and his anxiety was trying to overwhelm him. He decided that before going to sleep he would go and get a glass of water to calm himself.

He left the cinema room and headed for the kitchen, without turning on the lights, as he could see quite well. He took a glass from the draining board, and poured water into it. After his throat had been hydrated he felt much better, and decided to go to sleep.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH". Magnus and the figure in front of him shouted when they crashed together. Magnus immediately recovered after the scream, taking the person by the neck, turning them around and putting an arm around his neck.

"WHO ARE YOU AN..." The light that came on stopped Magnus' words, and also a voice he knew well.

"What the fuck is going on here?". Alec said with his hand on the light switch, looking at the hilarious scene in front of him. Magnus had a shocked expression, and he was strangling the poor Jace who was trying to lift Magnus's arm from his neck.

"Alexander?". Magnus asked and his face instantly lit up letting go of Jace, who immediately fell on the ground breathing heavily. Magnus walked quickly towards Alec and made him fall, almost literally, into his arms. Magnus hugged him tightly, wrapping his arms around his neck, and Alec held him tightly against his waist.

"Oh, hey I didn't expect a wel..." Alec couldn't finish the sentence that Magnus's lips were on his. Magnus, who already had his arms around Alec's neck, pulled him down to deepen the kiss by placing his fingers in his hair. Magnus bit Alec's lip to claim access, but just as he was about to deepen the kiss Jace's voice stopped him.

"Hey, don't worry, I'm alive, and I wasn't nearly choked by your boyfriend, Alec." Jace said getting up from the floor and adjusting the leather jacket he had. Magnus reluctantly broke away from Alec and turned to Jace.

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