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Drin. Drin. Drin.

This was the only noise that Alec had been able to hear for about two minutes, and it had intensified since no one seemed to want to move his ass to go open. That's why Alec could also hear it from his room.

"MAAXX GO OPEN". Alec screamed, raising his head, pausing for a moment to what he was doing, and then catapulted himself back to Magnus's lips. It was Sunday afternoon, Alec and the others had greeted Simon and Raphael an hour ago, since they had stayed at the mason for a few more days than expected, and since then Alec and Magnus had gone straight to bedroom on Alec's bed, starting a really long make-out. Today was the last day that Magnus would spend at the mason, and he wanted to enjoy as much time as possible with Alec, and he was doing it. Now Alec's lips were filling his, kissing him passionately, exploring his mouth with his tongue, and enjoying the full flavor.

"I'M GETTING DRESSED, MOVE YOUR ASS". Alec heard Max scream, and against his will he raised his head again, looking straight into Magnus's eyes, making a slight growl.

"Mmm don't worry grumpy cat, I'll wait here." Magnus smiled at Alec's behavior, and saw him open his mouth when something seemed immediately to have hit him in the face, he abruptly placed his head on Magnus's chest.

"I'm so stupid". Alec said in a whisper, while Magnus frowned, not understanding. Alec raised his head again and looked into Magnus's eyes again.

"Today we have the training with Kit and Ty, I completely forgot about it." Alec said, puffing and getting out of bed with no desire, not because he wasn't happy to see the boys, but simply wanted to spend the last day of Magnus's remnant, to kiss him.

"Oh true. But don't worry, we have all the night for cuddling each other". Magnus said standing up and sitting next to Alec. Alec turned around with a really cute pout, which made Magnus laugh a little.

"But today is your last day." Alec crossed his arms over his chest like a real child, and Magnus took his face in his hands, making him turn.

"I know, but think of this, we will always spend this time together, and I just need to be close to you. Okay?". Magnus asked, and Alec slowly approached him.

"Mmhmm". Alec hummed a few inches from Magnus's lips, and slowly pressed his lip...

Drin. Drin. Drin.

The sound of the bell made both Magnus and Alec sigh, Alec stood up a little unwillingly to go open.

"Can you go see what happened to Max?". Alec told Magnus once he was about to go down the stairs, and Magnus nodded, heading towards Max's room.

Drin. Drin. Drin.

"I'M COMING. I'm coming". Alec said when he finally arrived near the door, opening it.

"Oh my god I was really thinking for a moment about climbing into this house." The boy with the blond curls hair and blue eyes, said entering in the house and patting Alec on the shoulder. Kit was followed by the boy with raven-haired, headphones and gray eyes who gave Alec a simple nod.

"It was a stupid idea, I told him to wait." Ty simply said, and Alec saw that as usual he was busy fiddling with something in his hands.

"And I listened to you simply because I didn't feel to argue". Kit said looking around a bit, and Alec thought he was looking for Max.

"Or to get you some more bruises." Ty said without hastily on his tongue, continuing to wrap his headphone cable in his fingers, and Alec knew he was referring to what Kit had done with the gun. Kit turned to Ty, and Alec could feel the tension that had created in the room, and from the looks that launched themselves, Alec realized that this was still a topic where neither of them had yet passed over.

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