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At first he had thought of trying something, relief, joy, sadness, anger, anything, but what followed was nothing. Nothing, no fucking feelings, and after what he had done what he was most afraid of seeing was the disgust in Magnus's eyes. Before Alec could formulate other thoughts from the door, paramedics entered, followed by the head of the New York command center: Imogen Herondale.

At first she had entered the room completely composed, devoid of emotion as was to be shown at work, but once her gaze fell on Alec, Magnus, and the dead body on the ground, her seriousness had gone to fall replaced by a worried expression. Imogen had met Magnus the day he had to sign several papers before he could return to London again after his recovery, and when Alec introduced him as his boyfriend she was left open-mouthed with a truly exhilarating expression. In that half an hour they had talked a little and Imogen understood what kind of person Magnus was, which is why his eyes were so worried once they had stopped on him.

"Take Agent Bane and treat him in the van and check that Agent Lightwood is not injured." Imogen said advancing towards them, and stopping next to Alec where Marcus's body lay, while the paramedics took Magnus into the van with Alec immediately ready to follow them.

"Stop you need to get checked first." Imogen said taking what he considered to be a nephew's arm and stopping him. Alec looked her in the eyes with all the coldness he had ever possessed, and gritting his teeth he said:

"It's all my fault that this happened. Again, for the umpteenth time. So please, with all due respect, don't tell me what to do because I'm fine and my life can care less, I just want to know that Magnus is alive, it's the only thing that matters". Imogen for a moment showed shock in her eyes, but she quickly recomposed herself, sending the paramedics who had to take care of Alec from Magnus, and again this time while Alec was heading with them Imogen stopped him.

"Just one question. Did you kill him?". Imogen said they look straight into Alec's eyes, and seeing them so cold, so... the eyes of time ago she shivered.

"Yes". Alec said without hesitation, he knew that they wouldn't do anything to him because Marcus was a criminal and could kill him since he had tried their lives.

Imogen nodded, letting go of Alec's arm, who as soon as he was freed walked out of that place he discovered to be an abandoned warehouse, and then headed for the open van where a trup of doctors were treating Magnus. He was about to take a step forward to get in when he was stopped by a boy who was there on guard.

"I'm sorry but they are operating. You can't come in." Alec slowly turned his head towards the guard who had spoken to him, and saw that the boy was becoming more nervous.

"The one in the van is my boyfriend who was tortured in front of my eyes, so you won't be the one to stop me." Alec said taking another step forward, this time stopped by the guard's hand.

"I'm sorry sir, but you c..." the boy's words were stopped by the hand of Alec who went to hold on to his throat, raising him up high and slamming him against the open door of the van, holding him only with the strength of a hand that the boy was trying to get up in an attempt to breathe. Alec's eyes only transmitted emptiness, like the one feeling he had left after Magnus had been kidnapped, after the pain Magnus had suffered in front of him, after Marcus's words about how much he ruined everything close to him, after having fired a shot in the head at a person without hesitation.

"Alec". A voice had called him, but he couldn't hear, it was as if he had earplugs in his ears the sounds were all suffocated.

"ALEC!". Someone had screamed pushing him hard sideways dropping the body of the guard on his knees, breathing heavily.

"Excuse him, it's just that he's been through a lot." The voice that Alec understood after coming from Jace said looking at Alec in an accusatory way, and helping the boy to rise and go to help the rest of the team.

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