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That one word made the blood freeze in Jace's veins, and turning in the direction the boy was looking at he saw only the three standing boys, paralyzed on the spot.

But he understood that those words referred to Max, because he was the one to whom the boy's gaze was focused, and the one who's eyes were becoming shiny.

"God, excuse me it's just that... you same like a person I knew". The boy's voice made Jace move from his thoughts by making him turn in his direction again, and before he could open his mouth, Max spoke.

"I'm his brother, we're here for his boyfriend, Magnus." The boy seemed to become more nervous at Max's words, and started looking around.

"Magnus... he... is not, let's say, very happy to receive visits." Jace cast a strange glance at the boys behind him, before asking why he didn't want to receive visitors.

"He... he's been acting really weird since one month ago. I saw him come out of his loft only to come and get some packages that were delivered to him, and that time when I brought one of it up to his loft he didn't even let me in, coming out only with his head, saying I shouldn't have taken that package, and that I had to keep all the people looking for him away".

The boy nervously explained playing with the sleeves of his jacket, and Jace felt a pain in his chest, feeling even more guilty about his friend's condition.

"I thought it was because he broke up with Alec, but now you introduce yourself here saying that you are his boyfriend's friends, and I am really glad that they are still together, but I can't explain why Alec isn't here to help him, Magnus is really became strange, even with Ragnor and Catarina, he didn't want to see them. When I sent them over to him, they came back saying that there was no way to open the door to that loft".

And there he was, another shot in the chest and Jace knew that if he received any more he wouldn't be able to carry this weight. Many people might think that he is exaggerating, that it doesn't take much to keep a secret, maybe they're right, but not when you see all the people around you suffering for that secret. It's like you could do something to save someone's life, but you can't because you promised you wouldn't.

"Let us go up, even if you think he won't let us in, we just want to try." Max's voice brought Jace out of his thoughts, and when he turned to the side he find him at his side with Kit, and Ty. The boy was looking them over again, and after a few minutes of silence he moved sideways slowly, like a silent invitation to pass. The boys gave him a sign of thanks with the head, and slowly they headed towards the elevator.

"Do you think he will open to us?". Kit asked once they were inside the elevator when the doors finally closed. Jace didn't turn his eyes to Kit, he continued to look in front of him when he said:

"He'll have to do it". He felt the tension pervade that little space after his words, and the only one who had the courage to break it was Max.

"And why should he? In short, Alec is gone, they are no longer together even if Alec left without specifying it. We are no longer anything for him". Jace knew there were only two ways to get Magnus out of that apartment, but he also knew he had to choose well which one to use, because it was worth their future.

"Because he'll want to hear what I have to tell him." Jace said and just then the elevator doors opened, and Jace wasn't ready for what he was about to face.

Jace and the boys walked up to the door of Magnus's apartment, and stopped there in front of it as if they were stuck. At least that's what it was for Jace, he knew he had to be the one to knock because he was the one who was in front of the door, but it was as if he had been paralyzed by the fear of what he was about to face.

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