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"So? I'm all ears." Magnus said after Alec had brought the food to the table, which turned out to be his favorite dish, Nasi goreng.

"Well let's say that the night before I was very undecided whether to do it or not. If you would enjoy it, and well, here I am at the end. Then at lunch I took the flight to London and found myself here around eight in the evening". Alec began to tell by eating a bit of the food, but stopped when Magnus's hand rested on his.

"I already told you that you shouldn't let those doubts come, I'll always be happy to see you." Magnus smiled at Alec who returned with the same sweet smile.

"Then at about half past eight you came out of the loft and after that I immediately came in hoping that there was no one at the counter but luck isn't by my side." Alec continued by taking some of the wine he had poured into his glasses.

"Mark?". Magnus asked drinking too.

"Yes the porter. Well, I still tried not to let myself be noticed, and with my suitcase I headed for the elevator, but that Mark stopped me". Alec said, taking another bite of Nasi goreng, and wasn't surprised when Magnus filled his plate for the second time.

"He asked me where I thought I was going, and I told him that a friend invited me, but he didn't believe it and he didn't want to let me go..."

"Typical of Mark". Magnus interrupted him laughing.

"So I was really losing patience and told him that I had short time to organize a birthday surprise for my boyfriend, and if he could please let me pass, and that I was not a serial killer who wanted to kill someone." Magnus let out a genuine laugh, which made Alec's heart warm. How he had missed seeing him laugh.

"So he stared at me for a moment and then screamed at me 'OH MY GOD YOU ARE THAT ALEXANDER'. I said yes, but that he didn't have to call me that way, my name is Alec, and he nodded frantically and then walked away and returned with a key in his hands... "

"That's why that bastard knew your nickname, and that's why he told me those words before going up". Magnus said to himself.

"He said he preferred me not to break the lock, and I asked him if he was really going to give me the keys so easily. He said, that you had talked to him a lot about me, and that I corresponded to the description, and that then he wouldn't stop someone who wanted to make you happy". Alec said causing a smile on Magnus's lips.

"Well then I went up here, I didn't see the house, but only the room where I needed to prepare everything". Alec finished his story looking around a bit, and enjoying the view, which in that case was Magnus in front of him, because his boyfriend was the most beautiful view he could ever want.

"Instead, how did you enjoy yourself while I was here at your home?". Alec asked stopping Magnus from taking the fourth portion of Nasi goreng.

"As happy as I am knowing that you like it, I don't want you to get indigestion." Alec said putting the hand he had taken of Magnus on the table and seeing Magnus pout.

"However, I didn't enjoy it at all. I was a loose cannon all day, and Ragnor and Cat had to put up with me complaining that a certain Alexander hadn't chat me, and if it wasn't for Cat I'd have drowned in alcohol already". Magnus said taking some wine and seeing Alec look down.

"And what kind of friends I have. Friends shouldn't defend the person you are sick for, think that Cat did nothing but praise you, he even said..." Magnus stopped abruptly and looked at Alec, who was looking everywhere but not in his eyes.

"Oh you son of a bitch". Magnus whispered and gasped as he watched Alec look even more innocent.

"THEY KNOW THIS?!" Magnus screamed in shock, staring at an Alec who stared at him as if he had done nothing.

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