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One month later

"I won't tell you anything, I don..."

The words of the man tied to the chair were stopped by a well placed punch on his jaw, making him turn his head to the side. The room where they were, was submerged by dozens of unconscious bodies, and in the middle was the man who at this moment was spitting a lump of blood on the ground.

"Why it's so difficult to make you talk, my God in the end you will always have to tell us what we want to know". Kit said, running a hand through his sweaty hair, and with the other he took the man's face in his hands.

"Look, maybe it's cause you haven't understood yet. I'm the good agent, behind me there is the bad agent, and the one who doesn't give a shit what could happen to you. So if you don't tell us what we want to know I'll leave you in worse hands". Kit said removing his hand from the man's face and glancing sideways at the two boys behind him.

Ty had his headphones in his ears, tapping his foot on the ground to the beat of the music, while he was wiping his nails with one hand, not bothering to take a look at what Kit was doing, just waiting for orders.

Max, on the other hand, was leaning against the wall with no cares, his arms wrapped around his body and his gaze fixed in the void while in each of his hands there ware two small knifes that he was waving, just waiting for a word from Kit so that he could intervene to kill the man who still insisted on not speaking.

Since Alec had disappeared a month ago, no one was the same as before, especially Max. It was no longer the Max who always spoke, a smile always on his lips, that always had a ready-made joke, that managed to make everyone smile even in the moments more unlikely. Now he was cold, without feelings, he didn't talk much, he was just acting, and since the group had started going on a mission immediately after Alec's disappearance, it wasn't very good.

He was always on the verge of killing someone, he wasn't worried about the consequences, he was always in a corner like a machine just waiting for the signal and unscrupulously he would have killed someone. The disappearance of Alec had shaken the waters very much in their family, although for small details everyone had had changes in their behavior.

"Go fuck yourself". The man's whispered. The words brought Kit out of his thoughts, and he felt anxiety growing in his body, knowing what would happen shortly thereafter.

"Okay... you asked for it". Kit said without showing any emotion, and walking backwards to his two partenrs.

No words were needed to make Max understand what he should do. In fact, once he heard his friend's steps, he spread his arms to the sides, making the knives open between his hands, and placing his arms on the sides of his body, and quickly walks towards the man.

With one hand he pointed the knife to the man's throat, with the other he pushed the seats backward making the man who was expecting a painful impact with the ground, scream. But it  didn't happened. Max with his foot kept the chair in balance, and moved the other hand with the knife to the man's stomach, making him feel the pressure with it.

"Well... now I repeat my question, and if you answer we will let you go." Kit said approaching the man, who had his eyelids wide open with fear, and flanking Max, who while remaining in his position, looked at the man almost annoyed as if he were just waiting for the order to kill him.

"Who is the person that paid you to get rid of the evidence of the murders that took place in central of London?". Kit said, and Max pushed his foot a little more to spur the man on, causing his chair to move backwards.

"I... I don't know... dude, I don't have an..." Max let go of the foot that held the chair, and to keep it from falling, he took it in one hand and put it back in its stable position. He went after the man, pointing the knife at the rope that held him tied next to the chair, while the other pointed him right next to his mouth, and coming forward leaned his chin on the man's shoulder and began to talk.

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