The Bear Cub

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Pairing: Ratonhnhaké:ton "Connor" Kenway
Warning: I apologize for all the time skips!
Note: N/A
Requested by: no one

                                              "Y/n?" Connor calls out, "I brought bananas! I know you love bananas." He felt arms wrapping around his leg and he smiled. 

                                               Y/n sat on the floor eagerly devouring the bananas while sitting by her father's feet. She watched her father care something out of a block of redwood and a knife.  Connor felt a tug on his pant leg and looked down. The floor is cleaned of banana peels, all that's left are the wood chips and his daughter's outstretched arms. 

                                                 "Alright. Come here." Connor placed the wood and knife to the side then hoisted Y/n up; letting her sit in his lap. 

                                                 Y/n eagerly buried her face in her father's warm and toasty stomach, letting out a happy sigh. Connor chuckled and picked up the knife and block of wood again then resumed carving. 

                                                         ~                                                                                   ~

                                                  "This is for you." Connor dropped something in the open hands of Y/n. 

                                                    Y/n held it up to the lantern and saw a bear cub attached to a thing leather strap. 

                                                     "Cub?" Y/n frowns at her father. 

                                                      "You're my cub," Connor explains, flushing Y/n up to his chest, "I'm the papa bear." 

                                                       Y/n beamed at her father and embraced him tightly. 

                                                        "I love you, papa." 

                                                        ~                                                                                   ~

                                                          "Come on." Connor pants, digging his heels into the horse's sides; urging it to go faster. 

                                                           He stopped the horse and jumped off then rushed inside the burning house he called "home". 

                                                           "Y/n!" Connor shouts, dodging and ducking the fire and debris. 

                                                              "Papa!" Her voice is faint and hard to hear, but it's there. "Papa! Papa, help! Stuck!" She's stuck.

                                                                Connor stumbled over to where a wall of debris blocked the way to his daughter's bedroom. 

                                                                "Papa!" Y/n's voice shrieks, "Papa! Fire closew!" 

                                                                  Connor threw open the window and climbed out, he started to make his way to Y/n's bedroom window. He opened the window and had one foot in then the house collapsed. 

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