The Madhouse

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Pairing: Arno Dorian
Warning: it's all in the title
Note: N/A
Requested by: no one

Y/n rocked back and forth in her cell, flinching at every bang and scream. She whimpered and buried her face in her knees, covering her ears to shield her poor ears from the madhouse.

She had to get out. She had to leave before this place actually drove her into madness. Y/n stumbled over to the cell door, her nimble fingers working on bending her trusty wire to fight the lock.

Y/n heard a soft click and pushed the door open, she stumbled out and started to run. She didn't where she was going and she didn't care; all she cared about is running away.

There was a shout and multiple footsteps following her. Y/n skidded across the floor while turning a sharp corner. A hand snagged the back of her ragged dress making her squeak.

                                                    "Hello, princess."

                                                      Y/n's eyes widened. No. She hated him with all her heart. She immediately started to squirm in his grip, trying to escape. She winced when his grip tightened to the point where it felt like her bones could crack.

                                                       He carried her back to her cell, he started to search her body and found the wire that freed her from her cell.

                                                        "No!" Y/n lunged for the wire but the cell slammed shut before she could get any closer to him.

                                                          He dangled the wire in front of her face with a nasty grin. He pocketed the wire and leaves.

                                                            Y/n crawled to her corner and buried her face in her knees and started to cry. She didn't understand why her parents put her in this cruel place, she's a good girl. She did everything her parents asked her to do and she never caused any trouble.

                                                             Y/n stopped suddenly stopped crying. She wiped her tears and approached the cell door. She heard an unfamiliar pair of footsteps rounding the corner and moving past her cell. She saw a flash of a dark coat before it disappeared around another corner.

                                                               Y/n jumped back when she saw a figure at her level. It's a man with a hood up. The man pressed a finger to his lips, telling her to be quiet.

                                                               "I'll be back for you." He mouthed then disappeared.

                                                                  Y/n furiously rubbed her eyes with her dirty fists then blinked several times. Was that her imagination or was it real?

                                                                   Her thoughts and questions were put to a pause when she heard screaming.

                                                                   "Meurtre! Il y a eu un meurtre!" (Murder! There was a murder!" Someone screams.
                                                                    The hooded man returned with a key, he unlocked the cell door and let Y/n out. He scooped her up and hurried into the cold night.

~Time skip~

                                                                     Y/n dug her feet in the soft carpet, pleased with the soft texture under her. She looked up to see her reflection through the mirror. The man, Arno, had helped her out of her ragged dress then take a bath. He even trimmed her hair!

                                                                    The door opened and Arno entered with a tray of food. Y/n rushed over to him and tackled him for a tight hug.

                                                                    "Thank you." Arno's face softened, he embraced her back.

                                                                       "You're welcome, Y/n."

Last night, I had the weirdest thought. We all know Shay's Irish, right? Well, his full name is Shay Patrick Cormac. S P. What does that stand for? Saint. Patrick. I don't know if it's because I was sleep deprived or whatever but I started cackling when I first realized it. It makes perfect sense, doesn't it? He's Irish and Saint Patrick's Day is basically an Irish holiday.

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