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I'm back! I went camping with my family, and yes, we were safe.

My family and I stayed in a small cabin. My younger brother and I helped our mom wipe the whole cabin down with Clorox wipes.

I didn't really enjoy it very much. The cabin was flipping hot when we stayed to sleep for the night. There's this like an AC box that was only in the front room. My mom opened the window to get some fresh breeze in but the problem was the flipping CICADAS. At two AM, my dad decided to drive me, my mom, and my younger brother back home. It was a fifteen to twenty minute drive.

We did spend time at the cabin. Of course we did. We paid for it.

During the second day, my mom, younger brother, and I decided to walk around the forest surrounding the cabin. There was a public pool not far from the cabin so we took a pathway to get there. We looked around the pool, decided that it wasn't that great, then headed back.

And that is where we met our very first SNAKE.


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My mom almost stepped on it and she started to panic when I shouted "SNAKE" after she almost did.

My older brother, who suddenly decided he loves snakes, was like "YES". This is the same picture I sent him while he was going back home to grab something. After dinner, he asked me to take him to the snake. Of course, the snake had slithered off by then.

Overall, throughout the whole "camping" experience, my family ended up just Mario Kart Deluxe on the Nintendo Switch. My older brother and I became rivals after I kept getting First Place on 100 CC. He did beat me a few times but never enough to be named Number One in the household.

Would I go again? No.

Did I enjoy it? Not really.

Was it better than going to Florida for Disney World/Universal Studios? Well, at least it was a thirteen hour drive to the cabin. And again, our house wasn't that far from the cabin.

Sadly, I forgot to take a picture of the cabin, not that I cared. I have trypophobia so when I was inside, I saw circles EVERYWHERE.

On our last day, we saw a skunk. I've never seen a skunk before, I've only seen them on Curious George 😑. Apparently the skunks have been raiding the trash can we left outside of the cabin.

So that was my experience of "camping". I wouldn't do it again. As a result of camping, I got over five mosquito bites on my legs. I have five on my left leg leading up to the middle of my left kneecap.

I didn't get a chance to write while I was on vacation so I won't be uploading anything for today or the next few days. I will eventually, but for now, enjoy my reading my "camping" experience.

Signing off for now, CT.

Oh wait! One last thing:

I can't upload videos on my phone. I'll try to see if I can upload it later when I'm on my laptop. Anyway, I saw two squirrels get into a fight while I was walking around my neighborhood.

Don't know what they were fighting over for, probably over food.

Excuse my shitty filmingness. I usually never film anything on my phone.

Update: apparently I can't upload videos that aren't YouTube videos 😑.

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