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Pairing: Ezio Auditore Da Firenze
Warning: none
Note: N/A
Requested by: no one

                                              "It's not too high up, Y/n!" Ezio calmly stated, "You can jump! It is not that hard!"

                                                 Seven-year-old Y/n stood at the edge of the villa, staring down at the haystack below her.

                                                  "Pap, I'm scared!" Y/n starts to cry.

                                                    Ezio sighs, he starts to climb the villa. He reached Y/n and sat down next to her, taking her small hands in his.

                                                   "La mia piccola principessa. Ti prometto che ti prenderò se qualcosa va storto. Ti fidi di me?" (my little princess. I promise you, I will catch you if something goes wrong. Do you trust me?)
                                                     Y/n nodded and Ezio brushed away her tears.

                                                    "Good. Now, let's try this again, mhm?"

                                                     Ezio stood next to the haystack.

                                                     "Go on, principessa! Jump!" (Princess)

                                                      Y/n took several steps back, she ran towards the edge and jumps. She squeaks and falls in the haystack below her.

                                                     Hearing her father laugh, Y/n crawled out of the hay.

                                                     "Well done!" He applauds, laughing.

                                                      Y/n ran over to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. Ezio picked Y/n up, letting her rest on his hip.

                                                      "Grazie, papà." (Thank you, papa)

                                                        Ezio embraces her back.

                                                         "You are an Auditore, Y/n. It is in your blood to do such things like this."

                                                           He takes her hand.

                                                           "Come. Let us celebrate!"


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