1, 2, 3, WHERE ARE YOU?!

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I know I said about a year ago(?) that I won't be writing more than one assassin in a post, but this was something I couldn't pass up. Enjoy this crackfic/chaotic fic. 

Hide and go seek. A game that Y/n greatly enjoyed playing with her caretakers. Specifically, Jacob. 

Jacob couldn't wipe the grin off his face. Her giggles bounced off the walls, her tiny and chubby feet padding against the wooden floor as she ran. 

"One, two, three-" 

"One, two, three-" 

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"And one hundred!"

Jacob turned around from the wall he was facing and started going around the house. 

"Where are you?" Jacob cooed, opening a random door. "Not here? Hmm, where could she be?" 

He checked under the table then frowned. 

"Not here either?" Jacob mumbled. "Y/n?" 

Jacob went around the house, calling out her name. 

"Oi! Arno!" 

The Frenchman looked up from his book, brow arched at the Welshman. 

"Seen Y/n around?" 

Arno shut his book before standing. 

"You lost her?" 

"No! We're just playing hide and go seek!" 

"And yet, you're asking me if you've seen her. The point of the game is to find her as you are the seeker." 

Jacob sighed. 

"Forget it, Frenchie. You're worse than Evie."

Soon enough, the whole household was searching for the small toddler. 

Especially Desmond and Jacob. The two were screaming their heads off as they looked for Y/n. 

"Y/N!" Desmond shouted. "WHERE ARE YOU?!" 

"ARE YOU IN HERE?!" Jacob yelled down a sink. 

Standing off to the side were Aveline and Evie, watching the whole shit go down. 

"Men." Evie snorted. 

"Mhm." Aveline agreed. 

Then, Connor stepped into the room holding Y/n in his arms. 

"Guys, she was in the closet." 

Desmond stared at Y/n, dropping the cushion before approaching her. He then shook her hand. 

"Well, congrats for coming out." 



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