Monsters Under The Bed

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Pairing: Arno Dorian 
Warning: none
Note: N/A 
Requested by: no one

                                              Arno checked under the bed then poked his head back up. 

                                             "There are no monsters under the bed, Y/n. You can go to sleep now." 

                                              Y/n shook her head, refusing to come inside her bedroom. Arno sighs and approached the poor child, gently grasping her hand in his and pulled her inside. He pressed a soothing kiss to her forehead then wished her goodnight and closed the door. 

                                               Y/n ducked under her covers, pulling her stuffed animal with her. She whimpered in fear, hearing something scratching under her bed. 


                                                Arno sighs and checks under the bed yet again. 

                                                "I don't see any monsters under your bed, Y/n," said Arno, "Can you please go to bed now?" Y/n shook her head, refusing to go back to bed. 

                                                 "Y/n, I have checked under the bed, your closet, and your drawers. There is no monster nor do they exist. Whatever that boy next door told you is a lie and wanted to scare you, okay? Now, please. Get in the bed." 

                                                   Seeing that Y/n won't move a muscle, Arno sighs and takes her hand. 

                                                   "Fine. You'll stay in mine for the time being." Y/n looked back at her bedroom as her father lead her to his bedroom. 

                                                     Lighting some candles by his desk, Arno helped Y/n climb into his bed and tucked her in. Once Y/n is comfortable, Arno moves to do some paperwork. That's when he heard it, the scratching. He stopped writing with his quill, still and ready to defend. He looked at Y/n and saw her frightened look. He pressed his finger to his lips, telling her to be quiet. 

                                                      With his hidden blade out, Arno approached the bed. He quickly lifted the covers and managed to stop himself from shoving the blade.

                                                      He started to laugh and Y/n looked under too. She saw her cat, Skylar, under the bed.

                                                      "Skylar's been following you around, Y/n," Arno told her, "She must have been stretching and that's what caused the scratching sounds," Arno explained, he pulled Skylar from under the bed and handed the feline to Y/n. 

                                                       "You can still stay here for the night, Y/n. Tomorrow, it's back to your bedroom." Y/n nodded eagerly. 

                                                          "Goodnight, Papa." 

This one is a lot shorter than the other chapters and I'm a little annoyed at myself for it. 

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