A Sick Princess

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Pairing: Haytham Kenway
Warning: none
Note: N/A
Requested by: no one


                                              That was enough to send Haytham scouting for a doctor and having his daughter stay in bed.

                                               The doctor claims that it's only a simple cold and it will pass, but that went out the window when the sickness wouldn't go away.

                                               Haytham pressed the back of his hand against Y/n's hot forehead then replaced his hand with a cool wet cloth. She shuddered from the cloth and snuggled deeper in her bed and resumed sleeping.

                                               Haytham heard voices getting closer to the bedroom door and the door is kicked open and in came Charles Lee with Thomas Hickey and William Johnson close behind.

                                                Poor William looked very sorry, he knew that the Grandmaster's daughter is sick and he attempted to stop Lee and Hickey from barging in.

                                                Haytham ended up kicking Lee and Hickey out by dragging them by their cuffs. William, on the other hand, is left to tend to the sick child while her father yells at the two men outside.

                                                 Haytham walks back in, William moves from the seat and Haytham took the other man's place. With a flick of his wrist, William leaves the room. When the door shuts with a soft "click", Haytham slumps in his seat with a heavy sigh.

                                                  His fatherly senses kicked in and Haytham grabbed a bucket before Y/n puked. He rubbed her back soothingly, murmuring soothing words as Y/n emptied her stomach for the umpteenth time.

                                                 Y/n shuddered as Haytham lowered her back down on the bed. Haytham kissed her feverish forehead then leans back in his seat with a sigh.

                                                 Damn this sickness. She's usually perky and cheerful and curious.

                                                  Someone knocked on the door and entered. Monro had the expression Haytham had to resume his work as Grandmaster, forcing the man to leave his sick daughter alone.

                                                 Instead of going to his office, Haytham chose to bring his paperwork to Y/n's bedroom.

                                                  After one week and four days, Y/n started to show the signs of recovery. Her fever has lowered, she isn't shuddering as much, and she's stopped puking completely.

                                                  "Daddy?" Haytham immediately looked up from his paperwork.

                                                    Y/n struggled to sit up and Haytham helped her sit up. Holding a glass of water up to her lips, Y/n greedily started to drink.

                                                     "Easy, easy. There's more water if you need it, it's not going to disappear," Haytham told her.

                                                      Y/n pushed his hand away and Haytham placed the glass of water on the nightstand. Y/n tugged on her father's shirt and he slid into bed with her. Y/n immediately ducked under her father's arm, snuggling into his side with a happy sigh.

                                                      Haytham wrapped his arms around her, tucking her even closer to him. As long as his sick princess is getting better, that's all that matters at this point.

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