Protective Mama

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Pairing: Evie Frye
Warning: Jacob
Note: YEEEE. My first ever Evie shot/drabble/short. I don't know
Requested by: @Blueprintlizzard

"There she goes again," Evie thought, watching a small figure duck into a small crate.

The figure pulled the top of the crate over the crate and Evie walked over to it. She pulled the top off revealing a dirty and disheveled young girl.

"A child?!" Jacob exclaimed.

Evie shot Jacob a glare.

"Yes, a child!" Evie snapped. "I couldn't just leave her in the crate to freeze to death! Or starve!"

The girl glanced at Evie first then Jacob then to Henry, who happened to stumble across the twins arguing again.

"But she's a child, Evie! You could've found new members for the Rooks instead!" Jacob protested.

"And I thought you cared about children," said Evie. "You're always saving children from the factories."

Jacob bit back his retort and stared at the girl. Three empty bowls of stew sat in front of her on the table with a half of bread loaf gone.


~time skip~

Jacob eventually did come around. In fact, he often takes her out to see the Rooks despite Evie's protests. Hell, Henry had to bail Y/n out a few times when Jacob or the Rooks got too rowdy.

"Mama?" Evie stopped writing and turned to face Y/n.

Evie's heart stopped beating for a few seconds.

Y/n had several cuts lining her arms and a large bruise on her forehead.


"Henry," Y/n whimpered.

Henry hushed her and gathered her in his arms before taking her to Evie's cart to take care of her wounds as her mother screamed at her uncle.

"What did you do?!" 

"It's just a few cuts and bruises, Evie!" Jacob protested.

"She's a child, Jacob! A girl at six-years-old!" Evie shouted. "It's official, Jacob. You are never looking after her again!"

"That's not fair, Evie!"

"Yes, it is, Jacob! Your recklessness caused my daughter to get injuries!"

"Evie," Henry butted in. "Y/n wants you." Evie glared at Jacob one last time before entering her cart.

Evie sat down on her bed, pulling Y/n close to her side.

"Are you alright?" Evie murmured, brushing her thumb against Y/n's forehead.

"Oh, I'm alright, Mama!" Y/n perked. "Uncle Jacob didn't cause any of this. I tripped over a pebble and went stumbling down a flight of stairs until a Rook caught me at the bottom step."

I might have changed the request a bit if that's alright.

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