
3.5K 51 22

Pairing: Shay Cormac
Warning: none
Note: N/A
Requested by: no one

The forest is still except for the gentle breeze of the wind. The peacefulness was then ruined by someone running through.

It's a girl around six-years-old carrying what looked like a pile of clothes and a weapons belt. Y/n Cormac ran for her life. She had stolen her father's clothes when he was in the middle of taking a bath and there is a reason why.

He's been gone for two months without any warning leaving her in the care of Mr. Posh (Haytham Kenway). She hated Mr. Posh. He's always telling her to keep her back straight when she sat instead of slouching. He also told her to wear dresses with slippers instead of: a shirt, trousers, and shoes.

When her father came back home, he didn't even bother giving her a hug and kisses and the attention that she wanted. Instead, he chose to go straight to sleep and slept for days.

To get back at him, she chose to steal his clothes and run. She almost got caught by Mr. Hickles (Thomas Hickey) and Mr. Jones (William Johnson) and Mr. Leo (Charles Lee).

Back to her running. Her legs are starting to burn and so are her lungs from running so much, but she knew she couldn't stop. If she did, she'd be in big trouble once her father finds her.

She slipped inside a small crack and waited, her heart pounding in her chest. She swallowed hard and covered her mouth to muffle her breathing. She's all tensed, listening to nature. That's when she heard it. The pounding hooves of a horse.

The horse leaped over Y/n's hiding place, her father riding its back, and kept going. He didn't even bother looking back.

'You suck, Dad'

That's all Y/n thought while slipping out of the crack and turned around.

Shay stopped the horse when he heard a high pitched scream. His eyes widened and rode the horse back to the scream.

He saw a bear clawing at a tree trunk and his daughter is twenty feet up in the air, hugging the tree for dear life.

"Jump!" Shay told Y/n, "I'll catch you! I promise!" Y/n whimpers then jump.

Her father turned the horse around and took off with the bear still chasing after them. 

Eventually, they lost the bear in the forest and made it out of there in one piece.

"She's fast for a girl." Lee muttered when he saw Shay coming back with Y/n.

"That's sexist." William points out.

"How is that sexist?" Lee snaps back.

Before William could retort back, Shay interrupted the conversation. He didn't give a shit at the time. All he cared about is getting his daughter back to his bedroom and learn why she stole his clothes.

Once the door to Shay's bedroom shut, Shay flared at the girl looking down at the floor instead 

of meeting his eyes.

"Look at me."

"Look. At. Me."

She still refused to look. Shay sighs and grabbed her chin, forcing her to meet his eyes.

"Why did you steal my clothes?"

Y/n grabbed her father's larger hand to free her chin.

"Hands by your sides." Her father's voice stern and firm.

Y/n dropped her hands to her sides.

"Why did you steal my clothes?" Shay repeated.

"I missed you. You were gone for months and you didn't give me hugs and kisses last night. You came home and you didn't bother giving me any in the morning either." She sniffles.

"Aw, I'm sorry," said Shay, pulling Y/n close to him, "I'm sorry for ignoring you, sweetheart. I just got busy, okay? The work I do isn't easy and sometimes you have to be patient for me to finish it."

Shay brushed Y/n's tears away.

"Come on, sweetheart. We can grab some pastries and I'll tell you some stories." Y/n eagerly nodded her hand and grasped her father's hand.

And off they left to the nearest bakery.

Assassin's Creed Daughter Imagines (FINISHED| NEW REQUESTS WILL BE IGNORED)Where stories live. Discover now