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Pairing: all assassins
Warning: crossover
Note: y'all, I can't do all assassins and Templars anymore. It was fun at first but then I started to realize it was getting really confusing and really hard for me to keep track of all the characters and their personalities. Sorry.
Requested by: @PhoebeClark4

"Y/n?" Jacob called out. "Where are ya?" He heard her giggle and her tiny feet running away from him.

Jacob sighed and activated Eagle Vision. He saw which way she was going and started to follow after her.

Y/n stopped in front of a glowing door. She tilted her head to the side and grabbed the doorknob. She twisted it open and she was sucked into the door.

"Y/n?" Jacob called out again. "This isn't funny. You've reached the end of the hallway."

Jacob sighed again as he looked around with Eagle Vision still on. He frowned when he couldn't find her anywhere and started to panic.


Meanwhile, Arthur's cigarette hit the ground as he stared at the innocent e/c eyes of a five-year-old little girl.

"Uhh. DUTCH?!"

Arthur carried the girl to Dutch's tent and Dutch started to patch the girl's wounds up while questioning where she came from.

The first thing Aveline and Evie taught Y/n was not to talk to strangers so she kept her mouth shut as Dutch questioned her.

"Listen, Missy. We're tryin' to figure out how the hell you got here," said Dutch. "Your clothing sure as hell don't look like what little ladies like yourself wear."

"I want Jacob," Y/n pouted at Dutch. 

Arthur and Dutch shared a confused look. 

"Who's Jacob?" John asked her. 

The other man sat on a crate, arching a brow at Y/n for answers. 

"Jacob! I want Jacob!" Y/n repeated, the heels of her feet hitting the cot she sat on. "JACOB!" 

The three men sighed in unison. 

"Look, Miss," said Arthur. "We don't know any Jacobs around and we don't even know who you are." 

Y/n jutted her lower lip, quivering. 

"Oh shi-" 

Y/n started to bawl her eyes out and Dutch picked her up. 

"Easy now," said Dutch, bouncing her up and down in his arms. "Sh. It's okay, darlin'." 

"Dutch! Dutch!" Another man barreled inside Dutch's tent. "There are men! And women! Outside of the camp! They're all armed!" 

Dutch left Y/n in Lenny's care as he, Arthur, and John followed after Javier; the man who had warned them about the men and women. 

The men and women were all hooded with weapons out. Hidden blades, swords, and guns. 

"What do we do, Dutch?" Micah questioned the leader. "They're all armed and sure as hell ready to fight us." 

"We end things peacefully. Or try to." 

Dutch approached the group, hands held up as surrender. 

"Now, now," said Dutch. "Let's talk like civilized people, yeah?"

One of the men held a hatchet and Dutch had a bad feeling about this.

"N-now we don't know who you are and why you are here. We just want to know what you want," said Dutch. "Is it the girl you want? A little girl bout five-years-old with h/c hair and e/c eyes?" 

"Where is she?" The man with the hatchet demanded. 

"Connor!" A high pitched squeal rang out. 

The little girl barreled towards the man with the hatchet. He hooked it to his belt and scooped her up in his arms. 

"Alright," said Dutch. "You got the girl. Now, will you leave the camp?" 

No, I will not do a part 2 to this. I don't even know how to continue this even if I were asked to. 

Assassin's Creed Daughter Imagines (FINISHED| NEW REQUESTS WILL BE IGNORED)Where stories live. Discover now