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Pairing: Jacob Frye ft Evie and Henry
Warning: it's more of a drabble than a fic
Note: N/A
Requested by: no one

Jacob leaned against the wall, watching the group of children run around the street playing tag. Amongst the group was the trouble making, Y/n Frye. 

She needs to release all of that pent up energy somewhere else, Jacob. Evie said so Jacob took Y/n to the nearest street with children involved. 

It was worth it too since Y/n won't be putting up too much of a fuss when it's bedtime when it was time to return to the train. 


"Ay, ay! Careful! Don't go throwing mud balls!" 

The crowd of children stopped and stared at Jacob. 

"Wait, wait, hold on. Let's be rational-ay! Y/n!" 

"ATTACK!" Y/n screamed before throwing another mud ball at Jacob. 

Volleys of mud balls flew in the air towards Jacob. 

Watching from the rooftop, Evie and Henry watched the scene unfold. 

"You do realize Jacob will be pointing fingers at you for improving her aim." 

"I've realized, Henry, but look at the trouble Jacob is going through. I warned him and this is what he gets for it." 

"I see you, Aunt Evie!" 


"Daddy, let's get Aunt Evie!" 

"Hell yeah!" 


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