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Pairing: Altaïr Ibn-LaʼAhad
Warning: some blood
Note: you're blind and some physical features will be given.
Requested by: shadowgirl2020

                                Altaïr's grip on the child's hand tightened as the father and daughter walked around the market. 

                               "Papa, you're hurting me," Y/n pouts. 

                                Altaïr loosened his grip, but his grip is still firm. Altaïr suddenly lost his grip on Y/n, he heard her cries and shouts. 

                                 Her voice echoes all around him as if her voice bounces off the walls and ground surrounding him. He eventually caught the sight of two men taking his daughter away. 

                                  By the time Altaïr pushed past the crowd, the two men and his daughter are gone. He slammed his fist against the wall, blaming himself for failing to protect his little dove. 

~time skip~

                                   "You sure she doesn't need to be blindfolded?" A guard asked his partner. 

                                     "She's blind, ding dong," his partner scolded, "All we need to do is make sure she doesn't run off. If she does, we've got to catch her. Even if she did run, she'd run into things and make it easier for us to catch her." 

                                      Y/n puffed her cheeks out. She may be blind, but that doesn't make her completely useless! Her father's taught her how to navigate without her eyes by using her four senses like touch and hear; her two primary sources of navigating. 

                                       "What does the big man want this time?" The same guard grumbles. 

                                         The jingling of keys caught Y/n's ears, the guard stopped in front of the cage that held Y/n with his back turned to her and the key is literally dangling in front of her. Careful not to grab something else, Y/n carefully eased the key out of its hook then hid it in her sleeve. 

                                          The guard then followed his partner out, without even realizing that one of his keys is missing, and the voices faded away. 

                                           Y/n then started to look for the lock. She eventually found it and unlocked her cage, she opened the door then started to look for a way out. 

                                           Y/n felt something crawling up her leg, she smiled knowing exactly who it is. 

                                           "Hello, Mr. Fluff. Have you found a way out of here?" 

                                            Mr. Fluff, the little mouse Y/n had befriended years ago. Mr. Fluff squeaked then scuttered away, leading Y/n to a dead end. 

                                             "Here?" Y/n said in confusion, "But there is nothing here, Mr. Fluff. It's just a dead end." 

                                              Mr. Fluff scattered up to a lantern hanging then start to hop up and down. Y/n followed his squeaks then found the lantern, Mr. Fluff scrambled up to her shoulders as she pulled the lantern down. The wall in front of them started to open wide enough for Y/n to squeeze through. 

                                               "You'll need to guide me from here, Mr. Fluff," said Y/n, "I trust that you know the way to get out of here. I miss Papa." 

                                                Mr. Fluff squeaked then scampered off, taking different turns and squeaking loud enough for Y/n to know which direction he is in. Mr. Fluff came to a sudden stop, Y/n heard muffled noises coming from the other side. Voices and bustling. It's the market. 

                                                 Mr. Fluff scrambled up to hide in Y/n's front pocket. Y/n tries to find a way to exit then sighs when she couldn't. She leaned against the wall then stumbled backward when it suddenly opened. A pair of hands grabbed her making her shriek and jump away. 

                                                  "Dove, dove. It's me, it's papa." The hands pulled her close to his chest.

                                                   The familiar scent, the clothes he wore, the voice. Yes, it is her papa! 

                                                   "Papa!" Y/n cries, throwing her arms around his neck. 

                                                     Altaïr picked Y/n up, murmuring soothing words as he carried her away. Once home, Altaïr tucked the sleeping child into bed. He didn't flinch when Mr. Fluff poked out of Y/n's front pocket. 

                                                      "I suppose she was right. You do have some use."

I hope you like it! I was in a bit of a rush so I'm sorry if this is rushed. 


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