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Pairing: all assassins (Desmond included)
Warning: none
Note: y'all, I got some big news and imma announce it later.
Requested by: @PhoebeClark4

"Mali, I don't feel good," you mumbled, tugging on Malik's pant leg.

Malik dropped down to your height and pressed the back of his hand against your forehead.

"You have a fever, little dove," Malik explained, picking you up.

Your head rested on Malik's shoulder as he carried you to your bedroom.

"What's wrong?" Desmond asked.

"She has a fever," Malik explained. "Pull back the covers for me and tuck her in."

Desmond did as Malik told him to. He kissed your hot forehead as Malik left to fetch some water for you.

"Don't feel good," you mumbled, curling up in a tight ball.

"I know, I know," said Desmond, brushing away your hair. "Malik is getting you some water and I'm sure he's telling everyone that you're sick, okay?"

You feebly nodded and snuggled closer to your sheets. Desmond handed you a stuffed bear and you eagerly embraced it.

"Move, Desmond," said Evie, entering the room with a med kit.

"Hold on. I know modern day medicine!" Desmond protested.

"Stop shouting. You're making her headache worse!" Evie hissed.

Desmond shut his mouth when he saw that you were holding your head in pain.

Evie ushered Desmond out of the room. Several hours later, she stepped out of your room in disappointment.

"She was cold," Arno explained when Connor entered your bedroom.

Connor gestured for Arno to leave and Arno carefully slid you off of his chest. You grumbled from the lack of warmth that Arno was radiating off until Connor rubbed your back.

"Nothing seems to be working!" Ezio exclaimed. "Poor, poor tesoro. I can't imagine how she feels right now."

"Sick, throwing everything she ate, shivering, hot and cold, constantly sleeping, whining, pouting, complaining," Altaïr listed off.

"Oh shut up!" Jacob snapped.

Altaïr scowled at Jacob.

"Enough!" Aveline shouted. "Are we trying to worsen Y/n's condition?"

Everyone quieted down after that, knowing that you were currently taking a nap in your bedroom.

Speaking of, you weren't actually asleep. You barely managed to make it to the toilet to throw up your lunch. After puking everything up, you stumbled back to your room. You stopped and stared at Altaïr's office door. It was cracked open just a tiny bit and you pushed it open.

You saw a golden orb sitting on Altaïr's desk and stumbled over to it. Curious, you reached out to touch it.

A flash rang throughout the house and multiple footsteps ran up the stairs and burst inside Altaïr's office.


Aveline cradled you in her lap as you started to regain consciousness.

"Oh thank goodness," Aveline sighed in relief. "Don't you ever do such a thing again."

You blinked at Aveline in confusion then at the golden orb.

"What is that?" You crawled out of Aveline's lap and approached the orb to touch it again.

Connor caught the back of your shirt and dragged you away from it.

"Nothing for you to worry about," Malik reassured.

He nodded at Connor to take you back to your bedroom. As soon as you and Connor were out the room, the assassins quickly moved to hide the Piece of Eden from you.

"But I'm not sick anymore!" You pouted at Connor.

"Rest, Y/n," said Connor. "You need it." You pushed the covers away from you, arms crossed over your chest.


"Would you like to hear a story then?"



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