The Sound of Silence

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Pairing: Ezio Auditore Da Firenze
Note: N/A
Requested by: no one

                                               He hated it. The silence. Every time he passed by that room, it fills him with remorse and anger. He can still hear her laughter and squeals when he passed by the room, when he passed the garden in the backyard, the little river out in the front. He heard her laugh and her joyful voice calling out to him, 

                                              "Papa, Papa! Come play with me!" She ran up to her father, arms stretched out for him to take

                                               She was so young, only seven-years-old when fate decided to take away his sweet little angel. The plague. Some plague struck Florence claiming the lives of millions not just in Italy, but France and Spain too. The people were warned to stay inside at all times, merchants were unable to leave in case if the plague ever spreads elsewhere. 

                                               He had done just that. He stayed inside with his angel, he made sure that all windows were locked and yet she still somehow caught it. Her lips turned blue and purple, her skin pale and white with a layer of sweat, and a high fever. 

                                                The doctor took her from him, claiming that if she stayed with him for any longer he too will have the plague. He was unable to visit her, he heard nothing from the doctors. Nothing. All he knew is that his little angel is in pain and suffering from the plague. 

                                                He caught a glimpse of her through a window and his heart stopped. She had gotten worse. The blue and purple spread to the tips of her fingers and toes, her face now bright red from the fever. He would have barged right in to take her far away from Florence.

                                                When he attempted to find her again, he learned that she's been transferred to a different infirmary in a little island right off of Italy. So he went to find her and bring her home. He stowed away in a ship heading there, being careful around the other sick passengers. That's when he learned what the island is for. 

                                                 Cremating. Whoever is running leader of the island is cremating the sick. He ran and ran and ran, trying to find his little angel before her life came to an end. But it was too late. He heard her screams of pain. By the time he reached her, she's burnt to crisps.

                                                 He cradled her body in his arms, praying that all of this is a lie. But it's not. It's real and she's not coming back. He's suffered enough already and now he suffers even more. 

                                                 Forgive me for failing to save you, my little angel. 

                                                The plague, remarkably, vanished a week later. The count of death is over a million, it had claimed the lives of men, women, and children. The count of the cremated is over five hundred thousand people from Italy alone. From other countries, it could be more. 

                                                 His hand rested on the doorknob, knuckles turning white and he turned it to open the door. Her bedroom is exactly how it was five years ago. She would have been twelve now if the plague hadn't ruined her chance of fulfilling her life. 

                                                 He sank to his knees and started to sob. 

                                                 Forgive me. 

                                                 That is all he asked. All he can hear, is the sound of silence. 

I'm sorry this is how it turned out. I've been playing the Arcana lately on my phone and it gave me an idea. I really want to write something cheerful and happy. 

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