Girlie Problems

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So, I'm going to try something a little different. Hopefully you'll like it?


• the minute he hears screaming, he's off

• he sees blood on the bed and starts to panic

• "Papa, I'm bleeding!"

• at first, he thought you've gotten injured during the night

• then he realizes something

• you're a girl

• and girls have a monthly problem

• does not hesitate to dump you in Malik's lap

• "Tsk, tsk. What a novice your father is, Y/n. Now, allow me to explain what happened to you."


• "Papa, I think I'm bleeding."

• the minute you finish the sentence, he's whisking you off the nearest doctor

• the doctor laughed at Ezio's panicked figure before calmly explaining to Ezio what happened to you

• then Ezio explained it to you; he just dumbed it down a little bit

• or at least tried to

• it turns out, Leonardo had to do it instead



• of course his beloved is away when Mother Nature decided to strike

• he has no clue how to explain to you why you're bleeding

• I mean, sure, he's seen girls from his village suffer

• his mother always told him it was taboo to speak to them while they were going through it

• "Y/n, I need you to stay calm."

• "But I'm bleeding!"

• "I know you are!"

• as soon as Helena returns, Connor immediately dumps the problem in Helena's lap


• he's surprisingly much better off than his son

• he does have a sister, you know? Surely he's seen her going through it too?

• anyway

• he calms you down first before explaining what's going on

• then, he puts you to bed and pushes his duties to Charles for a bit

• father duties come first


• happens when you're out on the seas with him

• he starts to panic and docks at the first port available

• gets enough to last until he reaches New York

• after that, he leaves you with the Finnegans (much to your displeasure)

• "sorry, lass. You're a lot better off with them than me."

• ducks before your boot hit his head


• similarly to Shay, Edward also experienced it out on the seas

• thankfully, Adewale had some experience

• he comes from a slave farm and he's seen girls around your age go through it

• "blood is blood, Captain. It shouldn't bother you too much."

• and he's right

• Edward didn't worry about it too much

• he just stocks up whenever you're running low of cloth


• Arno has seen Elise go through it while growing up

• he's experienced

• and prepared

• as soon as he hears "blood", he's already off to grab the bag he had prepared beforehand

• he sat you down and explained to you what you're going through

• lots of chocolate is inside the bag

• he even goes as far as ignoring his duties for the Council


• "EVIE?!"

• despite having a twin sister; he still panics

• Evie had to explain it to you instead of Jacob

• Evie had no problem with answering any your questions and is always willing to help

• during the week, you've started to spend more time with Evie than Jacob

cue jealous!Jacob

• "Stop pouting and spend time with her, dolt."

• no need to call him names, Evie 😢.

So I wasn't sure if I should add Shaun, Desmond, and Callum or not. If so, they'll be up next. It's going to be short though so I hope that's okay with you guys.

Assassin's Creed Daughter Imagines (FINISHED| NEW REQUESTS WILL BE IGNORED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें